Contact Sheet or Graphics/Illastrations Draft Ideas


After photographing the kaleidascope patterns, I began sketching out and painting the illastrations that would be combined for the front cover using Adove InDesign. Here is a contact sheet of the kaleidascope patterns:

Favourite 3 images from shoot:

These images were my favourite due to the fact they had the most detail and looked rounded off. Also I wanted to make it easier for me when it came to editing and playing around with my colours as our colour pallet consisted of purples, yellows, blues, pinks and oranges so I also tried to pick the images that already had the most of these colours incorporated.

Process of illastration:


Now that we have our chosen image and finished illastration the next step is the combine these onĀ  Photoshop. The plan is to fill the white space inside the circle of the illastration with that kalleidascope patterns which will make it look as if you are peeping through a kaliedascope at the painting. I also will need to boost the saturation and colour of the bird as adding in the extra details has weakened the vibrancy of the bird. I would also like to enhance the colours of the kaleidescope patterns and selectively change specific colours so that the colour pallet will mainly consist of purple, yellows and a hint of blue, orange and pink. Once all of that is complete I can then take the combined images and starting assembling the front cover on Indesgin.

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