Final Digipak Draft


Whats new?

  • New layout of text for the back page which makes the overall page look more aesthetically pleasing as a whole and helps identify the words better now everything has been spread out.
  • We also added the artist’s name and album title onto the spine with a transparent white box behind so that the colourful text stands out in front of the kaleidoscope background. Having a colourful spine with clear text is super important as the spine will be the first thing to capture a consumer’s attention and draw them in.
  • The artist’s name ‘Riff Raff’ has also been changed as it is more catchy to say as well as the meaning behind the name before was a lot more complex to understand whereas Riff Raff has a simple meaning referring to a person who is described as scummy and are not considered very respectable. This works due to the rebellious nature of electronic dance music and conveys that this dj is someone who is proud to be scum as this is an empowering feature that encourages less fortunate people to respect and be prideful of this artist.
  • On the front cover we have also changed the font colour to a blue to enable the consumers to distinguish between the album name and title. This is important as ultimately the artist wants people to remember and recognize his name as this will lead fans to discover more of his music, content, merchandise, etc…
  • Lastly we also warped the imagery inside the digipak into a CD shape to mimic where the actual CD will be placed.


The overall fonts that have been used are sans serif and have been typed in capital letters, this addresses an informal manner and portrays that this album is simply shouting at you to buy it as well as it reflects the typical atmosphere of a typical EDM song and the hype. The colour palette also supports the conventional attributes seen in other EDM albums that I previously analysed to receive some inspiration for our own digipak. Due to the use of mainly purples, yellows, blue and pinks on many other EDM albums I decided to include these colours as I now associate these colours with the genre. Within the imagery and design I included many visual signifiers that are a result of semiotics (de Saussure) for example the design’s include: a figure with headphones on and an open cage positioned on the forehead of the figure. This symbolises that the music this subject is listening too, opening up their mind; the rising phoenix signifies renewal, hope and enlightenment which is a result of this newly unlocked mind and the cloud behind the bird is to emphasise this holy and heavenly outcome achieved through listening to music; Lastly the circular frame around this design filled with kaleidoscope patterns connotes the the viewer is looking down the eye of a kaleidoscope and perceiving the words through a fresh, changed set of eyes. All of these signified images relate to one another to create one huge meaning which is focusing on how EDM can help to to let go, open up your mind, be freed and change your perspective however this design is open to many different interpretations and encourages you to think twice about what exactly you are looking at which supports Barthes theory when studying the relationships between these individual signs about Active Audiences.


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