Social Media Draft 2


Before I could do my draft 2 on my social media page I needed to get feedback from my teacher on draft one so I could get a good idea from an outside perspective about what is doing good and what is not doing so good. Here is our Media teachers feedback on our first draft:

What Needs Improving?

  • Since our highlighted stories all have the kaleidoscope pattern it enforces this pattern to be almost like our branding art, therefore the tour poster art just doesn’t quite fit in with our theme of the kaleidoscope and doesn’t quite acknowledge any sort of branding for the artist and instead seems out of place.
  • The three posts that are side by side of this artist’s party life does not seem very convincing or professional. These posts simply look like a typical ordinary person who attends parties and raves. Some of these videos and images are from the point of view of an audience member and don’t even show the artist in the clips so they do not really make sense it just seems like these party posts are thrown in for no reason. They are also all grouped in one big chunk which makes you think he isn’t a consistent partier and has just had one eventful week but no more parties before or after.
  • Most of these posts do not have any captions and some of these captions are very weak, as they do not really encourage the buyer to interact or do not give much information at all associated with the posts.
  • Photo of the digipak is very unprofessional. You can see some paper and other utilities on the table that the digipak is on which looks lazy and underwhelming. The digipak being released should be a much bigger deal!
  • The entire video being posted on the social media page isn’t a very good idea. We want to encourage our audience to go and check it out on youtube or some streaming platform where we can actually be able to receive royalties from people watching the video.
  • The ‘COMING SOON’ is not bright enough for our sneak peak video.
  • Some rooky typos that need to be corrected in captions as well as some blank pages on the stories that need to either be deleted or content needs to be put up.
  • The website needs some original photos such as merchandise and the music video needs to be uploaded so that people can easily find and access it.

What Works Well?

  • Sir liked the brought in elements from other parts of production such as the kaleidoscope patterns used for the different thumbnails that take you to different highlights. These patterns interlinks with the digipak design. Also the continuation of using trippy images (for profile picture) which connotes how EDM triggers this big ‘high’ when you listen to it as well as it presents a whole new experience that is a big escape from the stressful and boring mundane society.
  • Our tour poster looks effective so hopefully will do a good job try draw attention to the viewer.
  • Our sneak peak video helps create awareness and interest for the audience.
  • Travelling pictures out of an aeroplane window helps the audience to keep up to date with what is going on with the artist’s life which can help to create this imaginary relationship. Also helps to create hype for fans who may live in the country he is arriving into to do some gigs.
  • The merchandise creates a strong sense of branding to interlink with our digipak design and yet again help promote our album also. This also create a strong sense of desire for fans to buy the top as it is a way the audience can feel close to the artist as well as the colours and patterns are idealistic clothing to wear to a rave due to the colour and design.
  • The stories are good and provide informative information, especially for those who want to learn more about the artist.
  • The website is a good idea and is very easy and accessible in the bio.

Draft 2

After getting feedback on our screencastify from sir I did some tweaks to our social media page. Here are the link to our social media page:

What’s New?


Finally, after all that we have managed to drastically improve our social media page after listening to some advice from our teacher and touching things up that we wanted. All though sir did like the fact that all the thumbnails were the same I had a contrasting view just due to the fact I never see the same pattern used across all highlighted stories on other professional accounts especially when the stories were not all topics about the digipak and it was beginning to look like a brand logo when really it just interlinks with the digipak. The main message we were trying to send through our social media page just as across all our products was the importance to let go and break out of society so different forms of art help highlight that free fluidity and backup their idea of embracing change. I believe this social media page now brings a great sense of journey throughout the posts as well due the the order which interlinks with the sense of journey established in the music video.


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