Digipak and Mission Statement


After our music video we had begun to think about our digipak which was part of a bigger whole in order to sell the star image. We made a presentation that focused on us understanding our EDM audience’s demographics, pschographics and using this to make a plan of action to spark their attention, interest, desire and action to buy. I also analysed some other EDM artists work such as their album covers and social media profiles, so I could recognise the common thread within the genre such as colour pallet, type of feed, font, artwork etc. Lastly We started developing our unique selling point that will hhelp our EDM ablum to sell and stand out from the rest as well as our mission statement.


This task has been extremerly helpful. I now have a really good understanding of who my audience are in terms of demographics and pschographics. I have been able to develop a plan of action that would appeal to my target audience based on my research of what they support within their values, attitudes and beliefs. This has also allowed me to constructively come up with a unique selling point that would attract new audiences by including callaborations with other artists, this idea was sparked as I found out that my target audience has a large presence online and commonly like to keep up to date with other celebraties lives. They tend to talk about these celebraties often amongst family and friends, therefore buy including other famous artists will bring more attention to the album, and therefore will get people talking about it and sharing it to other relations. Not only this but you will gain those other artist’s fans also meaning you could be attracting new audiences that may previously listened to artists from another genre such as rap and therefore have helped them to discover a new range in taste. Lastly I esembled together a mission statement which helps the audience to understand exactly what my aims and goals are through my music and message of my album release. Since my target audience has a work hard-party hard agenda I have chosen to resonate with my audience and play on this idea to establish that our music is the key to release and ease all that built up stress and anxiety as well as sending messages along the way to open up their mind and help them to look beyond the social pressures and realise we are being’s that were not put on the earth to just live to work, we can not that let that take over our experiances in life there is more to life that is so important and that is why you should never prioritise your work, if an oppurtunity arises you need to learn how to take that oppurtunity and live you free life and not let the confinments of your job restrict you from life changing and mind opening experiances.

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