The Look Book


For the previous task I posted on my blog, I minorly touched on analysing 2 other EDM artist’s profiles and album covers. This time we have dug even deeper into our EDM artists media content, me and my partner both made 10 padlets that analysed the styles, fonts, images, colours to inspire ideas and help us notice trends associated with the genre. We looked at a more broader scope of media content such as youtube music videos, artists merchandise, tour posters, etc… Here are the 10 the padlets I made:

Made with Padlet


Immediantely it has become extremerly clear what the main colour pallet for the EDM genre is. These consist of  blues, pinks, oranges, yellows but most importantly purple is used in nearly every source I have looked at, which indicates that I must include these colours if not all them, defianately purple. Yet again we discovered that capital letters and the use of sans serif is very popular. The profiles of the artists are full of images focusing on the party, night life and include many vibrant photos. The Avicii poster has also inspired me to create our own symbol/logo to represent the star and their brand which will help more people to recognise us. I also want this symbol to have a hidden message behind it that will reflect our key aims within our mission and symbolise hope, enlightenment and fresh renewal. Overall I can start to have a picture in my head of what my albumn will look like; the main focus being some statement image, packed with bright colours and will include big capital white text which will stand out against the colourful back ground.

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