Production Skills – reflective post and screen shots

As part of section 1a of the exam, you will be required to outline and reflect on how your technical skills have improved over the 2 years of your Media Studies course.

So, why not reflect and record as you go? You have already started some skills stories on the skills template so this is another chance to use some evidence that is fresh in your mind.

This post is a chance for you to reflect on how your skills are improving. At this stage focus mostly on research and planning and any digital technology skills that are improving, moving along at this stage.

Always put your learning in context – how is it likely to impact on your future products and media making?  What lightbulb moments can you celebrate and how are they now changing the way you are working. In particular, how are the skills specifically impacting on your progress and media journey – specific moments, events, scenes and how the genre, narrative, audience, representation are specifically affected by that improved skill.

You should also include screen shots of those skills in use to make the post less text based and essay like (like you did at AS).

Draft 1 – Performance

This should be Draft 1 – all (or a large chunk of it) your performance footage just top and tailed together – could be a long sequence but that will be OK as at least it is safe and can be used to make a performance video, in case the narrative footage goes completely wrong or you break your leg and can’t do any more filming! Pessimistic or what?

There is no need to lip sync it to the music.

Add in several targets for next performance shoot.


Music Video Group Pitch

Now that you have chosen your song to produce as a group, you will need to pitch your ideas to your media teachers and film the presentation.  After receiving feedback, you will formulate some specific targets.

The pitch needs to be energetic, detailed and you need to sell your idea.

Use this slideshow template to prepare your pitch. Share it amongst your group so that you can all contribute.

You will be pitching to your teacher(s) by the end of the week and over the weekend will have to upload the final pitch slide show, the video of the feedback and the targets.

Next week we will be starting to plan the video and I would like to aim for the first shoots to take place during the week beginning 25th September (if not the weekend prior).

Music Video Final Choice

Pitch Perfect to your Teacher

Now you have a final choice of song and narrative/performance idea, you must ensure that the presentation is as strong as it can be to get some feedback from your teacher.

Take the original presentation and edit in any new ideas put forward by the whole group. Perhaps, you can incorporate some of the  ideas from the other person in  your group?

You then need to practise your delivery to your teacher – ensure you know who is going to explain, sell which parts of the idea and have everything ready.

You will film the pitch and feedback and then upload that with the final idea.

Sell Your Music Video Idea!

Pitch to your group your ideas using your presentation.

Upload everyone’s pitches, a brief outline including the the genre and main idea outlined in your blog post.

You then need to decide on whose idea you are going to take forward. The factors that should help you make this decision should be: practicality, effectiveness, simplicity, creative vision…

Whether or not you like the song does not enter into the discussion!

After this point the idea belongs to the group and no one person can assert sole ownership. All amendments, additions, alterations are expected and should be negotiated. 

Care of Equipment

We have invested a lot of time, effort and money in production equipment for students to use in their Media and Film productions. This equipment is available to any Media or Film Student who want to borrow it and take it off site  for a creative project, whether that be for Media & Film, another subject or a personal project.

Here is a link to the Care of Equipment Agreement that you signed.

  • Please follow these rules.
  • Respect the equipment
  • Respect other peoples’ right to find equipment when they need it and in a condition that they can use.

MV – DMU – Are you ready to film next week?

You have this week to film and edit your Dummy Mash Up. We will not be organising this for you. It is a ‘dummy’ run in organisation and production. You may need to use frees and lunchtimes – just as you will with your music video next term.

Before you leave for the weekend have you talked about and organised the following:-

  • Costumes – as conventional as possible and remember accessories
  • Props (use objects as instruments etc)
  • Make Up – if appropriate
  • Lyrics to your performers – nothing worse than bad lip syncing or PRINT THEM OUT IN BIG LETTERS TO HOLD UP
  • Brief your performers on the style, energy and type of performance you want
  • Locations (have a look around school at break – look at the photos on the blog – great hay in the field next door at the moment)
  • Book the Lecture Theatre studio set up if you require it (Wednesday or Thursday)
  • Check the cameras are charged
  • Have a clear idea of how and who is filming – remember long shot, mid shot, close up, movement, specials
  • Create a folder in the D drive – experiment with the new Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Blogs – there are one or two of you who are already significantly behind. If there is not a positive improvement over the weekend then contracts will be issued and parents contacted. Not a good way to start the A2 – if you are not keeping up now, then it does not bode well for next term.  JUST DO IT!