Detailed Music Video Analysis

I did a detailed music video analysis of the song ‘We Found Love’ by Rihanna and Calvin Harris. The music video is attached below:

In this video I analysed its appeal and impact and doing this I got to fully understand the narrative in full detail, which is explained on the link below. Also the sense of subject matter and emotions during the video throughout. I also analysed the star image and the typical generic performance and within this the narrative content and relevant themes. In this video it is all narrative and has no performance however it relates to the lyrics and makes sense. I then analysed the cinematography and the effect this has on the audience and the star. Also the aesthetics, mise-en-scene and lighting and colour.

Click on the link below to my full detailed analysis of the music video:

Detailed Analysis Thumbnail

Overall, analyzing the music video in more depth helped me to understand the relation between the stars image and whether or not the music video needs to relate to the lyrics and also if it is compulsory to have performance, which it is not.

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