Narrative Shoot Evaluation – Shoot 1

First Shoot:

For our very first shoot, Matthew and I went to our primary filming location, Memorial fields. The fields were ideal for our narrative as we required a location with a large grassed area and football nets. We brought a GoPro with us as the majority of our shots are from the point of view (POV) of the main character. We needed a variety of shots, all of which I performed actions with a football, including, taking penalties, free-kicks, dribbling, running and juggling. We were successful in acquiring a variety of shots of me performing both well and poorly. We also filmed some POV shots from Matthew’s angle. Matthew was the goal keeper which I was against in some of the shots. We have good clips of Matthew saving/failing to save my shots. Due to the nature of our filming (All POV shots), we managed to film all we wanted in a very small amount of time.

Below is a snapshot from one of our clips, this is an example of a POV shot. In this snapshot I am adjusting the GoPro so that my feet and the ball are included in the shot.

POV Shot

One problem that occurred would be the minor issue we had with our camera. In order to film the POV shots we had to use a GoPro, which is a camera specifically designed to film wide angles. The camera had very limited memory (8 GB) so we were restricted to a maximum of around 40 mins of footage before the memory was full. We managed this issue when I brought my laptop to our shoot. This allowed me to transfer the footage onto my laptop, clearing up space on the GoPro.

I purchased a GoPro head-mount to assist us in achieving these shots, it was extremely helpful as it allowed us to film POV shots with ease.

I believe that we have a good amount of shots to work with so far, however we are always brainstorming new ideas for shots. With this in mind, it is more than likely that we will need to have several more shooting sessions.


  • Successful first shoot.
  • More shoots required

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