Favourite Music Video From Former Student

Technical Conventions:
  • Many conventions have been used to convey the story and connote the narrative.
  • Lip-syncing – this is essential for a music video, like this, to be successful and realistic.
  • A variety of transitions have been used throughout the music video, e.g. fade transition, reaction shots and a pace of edit is used to portray a sense of tension, frustration and also snippets of excitement.
  • A montage of images were also included within the music video, this had a significant impact on the story as it conveyed the narrative is small, bitesize episodes.
  • As a result of following technical conventions, which would be used in a realistic music video, creates a more engaging and interesting watch, carried out by an audience.
Narrative & Performance Ratio:
  • Narrative – (amplified, disjunctive, illustrative) or it can be both narrative & performance.
  • As a well constructed video, which uses both an amplified and performance narrative, it ensures that the video is well understood by the audience.
  • Through understanding and carrying out research, I am able to identify this video as portraying a disjunctive narrative – the video has no relation to the lyrics of the song.
Star Representation:
  • The star image, performed by a young man is portrayed by him wearing extraordinary clothing mainly shorts and baggy shirts with extravagant designs making him recognisable as the main star.
  • The main star is having relationship issues of his own.
  • His body language and facial expressions portrays a very extraordinary, yet ordinary feel to the music video.

As a result of widening my understanding of the repertoire of elements needed to create a successful and realistic music video, I will now be able to make such a piece, incorporating these ideas into my own music video which will be of real-life standard. Looking at another students video has allowed me to expand my knowledge of how I will be conveying my narrative, star image and Mes en Scene throughout the performance. By doing this, it will enable the audience to understand and relate to my music video without using the advanced technical tools and film studios professional producers have.



After analysing a vast range of music videos, I have now broadened my understanding and knowledge of different technical conventions that are used within the production of a music video, for example, narrative only videos, full performance videos and  a combination of both which are narrative-performance videos, whereby props, setting, actions and costume are used to convey the narrative. If the music video is amplified, the narrative is inspired by the song whereby new elements are used to allow the narrative to compliment and coincide with the song and genre. If the music video is Illustrative, the lyrics of the song are illustrated through the music video itself, whether it be related to or contains direct actions from the lyrics. To conclude, if the music video is disjunctive, it means the narrative has no relation to song lyrics whatsoever. As a result of carrying out this task and analysing different music videos, I now know what to include, using technical conventions, in my own piece. This has allowed me to understand that the star image, within the music video has to be conveyed in a certain way to ensure the audience will be attracted and engaged by what they are seeing visually. This will definitely aid me when I come to create my own music video.