I am a Media Prosumer

This is my collage representing what I interact with on a regular basis. This shows what provides me a source of entertainment, gives me a personal identity, where I gather information from and finally where I interact socially. In my collage many of the platforms are social media websites or viewing apps, where I can watch my favourite shows or influencers.

After creating this collage I’ve understood my genre and the type of person I am a little bit more. Furthermore it shows the ways you can engage an audience and consumers.

This has helped me understand some important traits to make media, how you can engage people in different ways. How the more of these boxes your media ticks, the more audience and interest you will gain. Providing entertainment is good, however it may get boring, therefore adding information that people can gain may re-attract them as they are interested to find out new things which you can provide for them. As well as this if you give a platform where you can interact with others, people will start to use this and it may become their primary way of online interaction with their friends.

Adding more appeal enhances the time people can spend using your media and brings more people to use your media as it has more purpose.

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