An Introduction to InDesign and My Front Page Swede



final draft

This here is my own production of the NME magazine cover from April 2020. I copied the cover and had everything looking as similar as possible. I replicated the cover when LCD SoundSystem where the main feature, being the cover star. The cover on the left is

In the journey of creating this poster I have learnt a lot, about In Design and Magazine covers. I have learnt many special features that In Design beholds, all the different ways it can assist you to make your work look as good as possible. I have also come to realize how important each aspect of the cover is, what every little change can connote. How important lining up all the cover lines, masthead, insets, etc are and how important the spacing between the words and how important the proportion of each bit of writing is. Each conventional feature (cover star, masthead, cover lines, etc) has so much more to it when deconstructed, and how many little things go into making all of these conventional features bode together and make the cover look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Overall I feel I did a decent job on InDesign replicating the cover. 3 strengths of mine were lining all of the features up and having them in the same proportion as the original front cover, as well as finding good fonts and font sizing and spacing between the words. Another strength of mine was that I used the tools for the text to line it up in the box before lining the box up with the others.

3 weaknesses of mine were that a few time I missed a few very fine details, e.g the price or underlining in the top right. Another weakness was that I was a bit careless at times, misspelling or missing words which effects my cover negatively. Finally at the start on InDesign I was getting all the tools mixed up and kept messing up my work prolonging my finish.

Overall this will be a very key part in my learning and progress into developing my media, especially when it comes to developing my music magazine. I’ve learnt a lot and I feel like I’ve made good progress on InDesign. It has also further enhanced my understanding of the conventional cover features and how these can be boded together to look as aesthetically pleasing as possible and how important it is to effectively bode these together for the best possible front cover.


A Front Cover Analysed

Here you can see my analysis of the ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine’s cover starring Harry Styles. As you can see I broke down the different aspects of the cover and came up with a fair bit. I say about how multiple demographic/psychographic groups may have been targeted by the cover. Furthermore I speak into the connotations that make me feel this and convey this message to me.

As you can see this magazine cover is very diverse and inclusive, which is potentially a very strong marketing technique, as Harry Styles represents modern day pop-culture, whilst this isn’t really the genre of the Rolling Stone mag.

As well as this, despite me not touching on it, the cover holds many conventional design features of a magazine cover, therefore attracting and boasting even more content to attract customers.

After studying this magazine cover, I have gauged multiple different ways to draw in the attention of your target audience as well as widening your target audience. As well as this I now know how important it is to know your audience, as if you don’t you may get it all wrong and they may not like it, therefore they may begin to lose interest and if you keep on making the same mistakes they may start to completely fall out of love with your magazine brand. I also know how this will help me have a more well structured and interesting magazine cover for when I come around to it. Finally it also enables me to understand and be able to deconstruct poses and stances of cover stars, and how this may be engaging to customers, especially when the person is a model or creates a lot of their popularity from their appearance.

A Camera Talks

Overall we took a minimum of 50 photos, with many different techniques used and shots taken. We varied from long shots to closeups, photo’s that included an interference between the lens and the main focus to photos that had 0 interference at all. Of our 50 below you can see the 9 I thought were most powerful and you could draw the best connotations from.

Out of my 9, we have 1 long shot, 3 rather closeups however 2 of them have an interference, yet both of these interferences connote different emotions. We also have 2 pictures with different angles. The use of these angles are effective as they help portray the emotion and meaning behind the picture. The picture here I feel is most powerful at connoting a message, is the first one, the ‘extreme long shot’. The long shot is super effective here for 2 main reasons. Firstly it shows a wider picture, with nothing in it. Just concrete and trees, and then there is just this one man dressed in dark, head down, bewildered in the middle. The long shot helps draw attention away from the main focus and adds to the affect of loneliness as there is more nothingness beside this one man. Secondly, the long shot makes the main focus of the picture look small, adding effect to the display of loneliness and sadness of the man.

What I learnt from the photoshoot and analysation of the photos is that a picture really does tell 1000 words, the way every aspect can be deconstructed is intriguing, and all of the little affects and skills you can use while taking a picture, that can dramatically add to a pictures effect. I will keep these little things in the back of my mind, so when it comes to shooting for my magazine and music video, I will be able to add these little effects and show a deeper meaning and connotation to what someone who wasn’t aware of these things would be able to.

Print Media That Communicates Meaning – Tour Poster

Every aspect of life (denotation) has a meaning (connotation). Everything in Media has a connotation behind it, if it didn’t, that could end up being a vert costly mistake. Every colour, font, font size or boldness connotes a different sign/symbol.

Every single piece of media can be deconstructed to the roots, and you can identify the meaning and symbol behind every little affect, like I said, ‘Every aspect of life (denotation) has a meaning (connotation)’.

As you can see I broke down a variety of components from the tour poster. The pose, the outfit, the facial expression, the font of writing, colours used and the website name. Every one of these aspects of the tour poster were deconstructed and the connotations were listed.

After deconstructing this poster I have taken a lot in for what I would do for mine, the different aspects and all connotations I’d try get across. Obviously I wouldn’t be portraying the same messages as Drake, however after analysing I have a few ideas of how I would do this effectively on a poster of my own. I understand how font, colour and images all help sell a genre and convey a narrative

Conventional Design Features of a Magazine

This is my analysis of a magazine cover. Every magazine has conventional design aspects, always. Conventional aspects are typicalities, what is always there. If it didn’t have these typicalities, it would’t be a magazine! Every magazine cover has a Masthead, a barcode, Cover Lines and a Cover Star, Pugs and plugs, insets and captions, the price and release date.

  • We have done this to show and enhance our understanding of Media and to help with our magazine that we will be making. It helps our understanding. Each of the different conventional aspects will affect a customer in a specific way;
    Masthead – Stands out to the customer, draws them to the brand
  • Cover Lines – Show off the inside of the magazine without having to go into detail, may grip a customer or passerby even more
  • Barcode – What is used to scan/pay with. Conventionally in the bottom right of the front page
  • Issue Date – Can see how long ago its from, helps shops order them accordingly and may be good for a company log
  • Price – Needs to go down somewhere, helps sellers keep track of sales, yet again good for company log
  • Main Cover Line – Typically interesting, something that will hopefully grip a large audience. Big and Bold to catch the eye
  • Main Cover Star – Typically someone well known by the target audience, someone who will attract people. Very big to catch the eye.
  • Pugs – Little ads that are conventionally in the top left or right corners, look like pug ears, hence the name pugs.
  • Inset – Pictures to maybe display other smaller cover lines
  • Caption – Writing to go with these insets
  • Plug – Something that tries to sell the magazine to you. A piece of writing claiming to set this magazine apart from the rest. An effective selling technique.

It is important to understand these basic rules as they’re what attracts people, and makes the magazine the magazine. These are conventional to magazines and are little things which all have connotations, all do their own individual job working in favour of the magazine.

I am a Media Prosumer

This is my collage representing what I interact with on a regular basis. This shows what provides me a source of entertainment, gives me a personal identity, where I gather information from and finally where I interact socially. In my collage many of the platforms are social media websites or viewing apps, where I can watch my favourite shows or influencers.

After creating this collage I’ve understood my genre and the type of person I am a little bit more. Furthermore it shows the ways you can engage an audience and consumers.

This has helped me understand some important traits to make media, how you can engage people in different ways. How the more of these boxes your media ticks, the more audience and interest you will gain. Providing entertainment is good, however it may get boring, therefore adding information that people can gain may re-attract them as they are interested to find out new things which you can provide for them. As well as this if you give a platform where you can interact with others, people will start to use this and it may become their primary way of online interaction with their friends.

Adding more appeal enhances the time people can spend using your media and brings more people to use your media as it has more purpose.

Hello Media Studies

Hello, my name is Ben Acey and I am new to Media Studies. Currently I am not the most skilled Media student, however I am sure I will learn a lot the next couple years to make me a very strong media student. Furthermore many of these skills will be transferrable and I hope to be able to use them in other aspects of life. The skills are as followed;

  • Time management
    • being able to create and organise my blog posts in time and promoting my media as soon as I can
  • Research
    • the ability to break my competition and ensure my work is better, looking at what I can take and what I can use they didn’t to improve my work. Discovering conventional features I will need to know and use throughout my work.
  • Planning Skills
    • ensuring I know what every blog will hold and the different aspects of every blog, keeping on top of my work and ensuring it is as good and well prepared as possible
  • Creative skills
    • Learning how to use computer design features for my magazine and videos, learning all the different tools to create the best magazine possible and learning how to photoshop and make my photos that I take the best they can possibly be and being able to edit them to the best of my ability
  • Transferrable Skills
    • skills i can use in all aspects of life, skills that will not only help me in media but also other subjects and different aspects of life.

Overall these are all skills that will be useful in life, especially media if I want to achieve the best grade I possibly can. I will make sure to use these skills and focus on the use and learning of them while I do my blog posts and media studies tasks.

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