Feedback and Reflection on draft 1

I asked Harriet some questions about my draft 1 front cover and she answered giving me some good points and some constructive criticism that I can develop on.

What genre of music is the magazine featuring?

When I asked Harriet this question she was able to identify what genre my magazine was which was good because it shows that I am conveying the genre as I want to.

Describe the front cover star using adjectives – their star image?

Harriet described my main cover star as bold, glamorous and slay. I am happy about those adjectives being used to describe my main cover star because they were the look that I was going for. I wanted my model to be glamorous because I think that a lot of pop stars in the industry are glamorous and bold looking. I feel like the words used go well with my genre.

Are there areas where the integration and copy is distracting?  

She said that I should move the insert that is covering a little bit of my model’s hair because it doesn’t make it stand out as much and is distracting.

What aspects do you consider conventional or unconventional?

Harriet said that the parts of my magazine that are conventional is the fact that it has a main cover star and a masthead. She also said that the inserts in the magazine make it conventional. Harriet did however give some points that I should change the layout of the magazine as it looks messy which I agree with as I want it to be as professional as possible. She also said that I should put a plug at the top that will market my magazine. E.G. ‘World’s best pop magazine’

I then asked Mrs Cobb to give me some good points and targets about my magazine.  She told me what I had done well which was that the model looked good and I had included good MES. She then gave me some targets  that I can work on in my second draft of my front cover that will make it look better. They include the following;

  • Brighter background and image
  • The masthead needs to be bigger and bolder in order to stand out more and be more extravagant.
  • The inserts need to be in line with each other as they look messy.
  • The lines on the inserts need to be closer together.
  • I should put a plug at the top of the magazine that will promote how popular my magazine is.  E.G. ‘World’s best magazine’

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