A New Improved Contents Page

After receiving feedback on the first draft of my contents page, I was then ready to apply those suggested improvements. Below is my improved version and what I did to get to it from draft one.

Please click on the page to open it as a pdf.

The improvements that I made:

  • I filled the “contents” title in with a lighter pink so that there was less white on the page. This has added interest for the reader.
  • I have added an ellipsis after “contents” which draws the reader into looking further. It draws them in.
  • I have taken the dots after the numbers to allow them all to be centered and look more clean.
  • I have added a page number for the contents page in the bottom right hand corner.
  • I have made the image slightly larger and added a caption of who it is and what page you can find her on.
  • I have added green detail lines which link to the front cover. The green also adds an additional colour to break up all of the pink used. The green also fits in with the colour scheme. This additional detail creates more interest on the page as it becomes less plain and simplistic. It also reduces the amount of empty space with out the use of boring text.
  • I have added the social media links for the magazine. This enable the audience to connect with UP2DATE even more, creating more ways of social interaction, entertainment and social interaction (covering Blumler and Katz “uses and gratification” theory). I made this text smaller than the headlines as it is less important and have made it green so it links in but doesn’t stand out too much. It is at the bottom as this is the last place the readers eyes will go.

I then spoke to my peer about my contents page and how it works within my magazine.

This conversation was quite positive. I need to make sure that I continue making links throughout my pages, including colour schemes, fonts and details and that I am making it as interesting as possible for my audience.

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