
Advert #1

This is the first advert which I have chosen to put in my magazine is this Ariana Grande perfume one. I think this is fitting for my pop magazine as she is a pop artists, It is an advertisement of the different things which pop artists instead of just singing. It is also very conventional for my target audience as it is aimed towards teenagers and this will be products that interest them.

Poster number 2 is a Harry Styles tour poster. This fits in well for my magazine as it promotes an artist which I have put on my contents page as a topic. Harry Styles also creates pop music, which is the genre of magazine, therefore it ties in perfectly with its conventions. Referring back to my dating profile I  got ideas for what someone would listen to and have interests in, this is generally pop. Also mentioning the title of the tour is ‘love’ so may enhance a meaning.

Collectively both of these magazines match my demographic perfectly as they both use bright colours with eye catching features, something the genre of pop uses a lot.

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