Draft of Contents Page

Draft of Contents Page

Here is my first draft of my contents page:


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Peer Assessment From Archie;

What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?

A mid shot has been used in the photo within the contents page, the photo successfully shows the colours and the makeup to fit the genre and the star has been fitted into the image effectively.

What choice of MISE-EN-SCENE is appropriate for the star image and genre?

The outfit and makeup chosen for the model suit the genre of indie pop very well. The bright purple makeup and clothes create the loose feel of indie pop and shows a high understanding of MISE-EN-SCENE. The skateboard prop also communicates the playfulness of the indie pop genre.

How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

They have used a sans-serif font which is easy to read. The purple colour used for the shadow of the font is effective as it matches the models makeup as well as the genre.

What technical conventions of a contents page are present and used effectively?

The headlines have currently been filled with placeholder text and there are no page numbers present. However the layout of which is appealing and effective.

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

Indesign has been used to layout the page almost as a window with the model peering through. Within the box of the window, there are cover lines and at the top of the page is the title text in which it has been manipulated to form an oval shape above.

How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

The colour palette of the model and the text have been used together extremely effectively. This allows them both to highlight the models and masthead.

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre?

Photoshop has been used to cut out the model from the original image accurately and place her on a plain white background.

How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

At the moment, the cover lines are just placeholder text so I imagine this will be adjusted in later drafts.

My Reflection and Focus Forward

This peer assessment has made me realise what I’ve done well and clarified the bits I need to improve. Receiving feedback from another person was very helpful as it was good to get a different perspective from someone who hasn’t necessarily seen much of my magazine.

In my upcoming drafts, I shall focus on improving my contents page by using my targets:

  • Remove placeholder text and add cover lines (mention artists related to my genre to engage the audience)
  • Add page numbers
  • Make the colours bolder as at the moment it is very muted.

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