What is a Content’s Page?

What is a Content’s Page?

A contents page is perhaps the most important page in a magazine. It attentively informs the reader on what various pages contain and provides the audience with a wider knowledge of what to expect within the magazine. In the contents, pages are indicated by numbers along with a catchy headline and a short description of the article, this allows the readers to detect certain articles easily without flicking through the whole magazine unnecessarily.

The conventions of a contents page include;

  • Page Numbers
  • Hyperbole and Superlatives in headlines
  • Image/s
  • Graphic illustrations and Designs
  • Editors Note

Here are 7 content page’s from which I found inspiration:

I wish to integrate particular design elements into my own content page, such as incorporating my image in with the information and making the colors bolder.

Rough Sketches of Contents Page Layouts

I also hand-drawn 4 rough sketches of various different ideas that I could use as a guide for my contents page layout.

5 Catchy Headlines

Headlines are used to attract an audience and engage their attention with your magazine. Successful headlines need to be conspicuous so they can create interest and appeal to the desired target audience. They tend to include imperatives, superlatives, hyperboles, and alliteration.

Here are some ideas of headlines I could use on my contents page:

I feel as though these informative headlines really sell the contents to my ideal target audience. They mention well-known artists within the Indie Pop genre as well as young rising stars that are finding their way through the industry.

Focus Forward

This research has given me the opportunity to plan my contents page and provide me with a wider understanding of the elements in which I shall include in my first draft. I’ll ensure the page numbers and headlines are positioned clearly so that they are easily navigated by the reader. From the inspiration accumulated, I am now at a stage in which I feel ready to start designing and playing around with different approaches for my contents page.

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