Introduction to Indesign

Lesson 1 

Serena will take us all through the basics of:

  • INDESIGN – how to create a poster template, place a photo, add text, change colours etc.
She has created a great page on the Faculty of Arts Website to support you with InDesign.

Make sure this the first place you look at for answers to your questions.

Lesson 2, 3, 4 and 5

  • You will be allocated a specific edition of the iconic music magazine, NME (New Musical Express).
  • The aim is to recreate the layout and to recap on the main conventional design features of a magazine cover.
  • Using Indesign – recreate/copy the cover you have been allocated.
  • Each of you will create your own version but you can work with your partner in terms of sharing ideas for fonts etc.
  • You do not need to find the exact photo – any one with a similar grouping of performers or artist will do or in fact you can add in a box with a cross through it if you really can’t find one that will do.
  • The main aim is that you have some fun with Indesign – find the right fonts, play with the sizing, kerning etc and do your best to lay out the cover with a conventional layout.
  • Here are some suggestions for cover photos – see the first slide for caveats on what you will and won’t be able to do with them but it might save you time trawling the web.
  • Exporting as a JPEG and a PDF, uploading  to your blog and save as final draft in IDD.

Lesson  6

  • Remember to introduce the content (your mock-up front page)
  • Reflect on what you have learnt – how to use Indesign and how magazines have conventional features and name them – masthead, cover lines, main cover star etc
  • Reflect on how you did – find 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses.  What did you do well and easily and what did you struggle with and will need to improve?
  • Set yourself some targets by finding @ 3 self help YouTube tutorials for any aspects of Indesign that you struggled with and embed the videos in your self assessment post.
  • Make sure you watch them in full this weekend in preparation for your own album poster design next week.
    • Link in the online tutorials that will help you improve your use of Indesign next week.

Here are some examples from last year:


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