My Magazine Front Page Swede

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This is a magazine front cover that I have recreated using Adobe InDesign. During these lessons of recreating this NME magazine cover, I learnt how to use all the features of InDesign in order to create the technical design conventions needed for a magazine cover such as a mast head and cover lines. In the process of using InDesign, I found placing and the positioning or sizing the image rather easy, however I struggled a lot with working out the proportions and sizes of the text, this is what I need to improve on. It was also hard to find the specific or similar fonts and typefaces. It was very important to get the sizing and colouring of the masthead correct, as this acts as a logo for the magazine. Overall I think I did well on recreating the layout of the magazine. Below is the original NME magazine cover that I attempted to recreate on InDesign.

When I create my own magazine, I now know the tools I need to use and how to use them in order to create a well designed and aesthetically pleasing front cover for my magazine.

I think that these two videos would’ve helped me with my struggles of the front covers text.

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