March 23

Prelim Task Lip Syncing Exercise


  • In this exercise I practiced editing clips together on Wevideo. This was an important task as skilled lip syncing is needed to help the star image as it makes the actor look more professional and help to convince the audience of how realistic the video is.
  • Tips I would give to my performer for lip syncing is to make sure they properly enunciate the words in the song to make sure they don’t look as if they are mumbling, making it harder for audio and video to be matched up. Also to be confident and go for it as it makes for a more interesting and less awkward watch for the audience.
  • It is important to make sure the actor in the video “looks like the voice” so that the audience will find the video believable and not confusing and therefore enjoy it more. This doesn’t mean just fining a female actor for a female voice rather than a male one. It means that the actor should bear as much resemblance to the singer as possible and have the same grain of voice which means the “body” in the voice as it sings.
  • Using Wevideo I have learned how to use different filters to ad diversity between clips to help them stand out. I have also learnt how to use transitions to make the clips glide smoothly from one to another. I have also learnt how to cut clips to take out the parts that I want to use in my video.
  • Improvements:
    • Try to match the words in the recording exactly to the audio
    • Use shorter and a wider variety of clips
    • Use more transitions to make the video more visually appealing

Posted 23rd March 2020 by alicemillis in category component 3, Preliminary Tasks

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