Complete Magazine Draft 3

Here is my third draft for my magazines front cover. I have kept many things the same from draft 2 however there are a few differences. The main ones are:

  • Added a Pug
  • Added a reference to my DPS
  • Moved the coverline text
  • De-stretched the image

Up next is my contents page. This page has changed the most since draft 2. The main differences are listed below:

  • Added a new picture for ‘Jazz Showdown’
  • Added a headline for ‘Jazz Showdown’
  • Changed the placing of certain text
  • Changed the numbers of the pages
  • Changed the colour of the page numbers

Finally there is my DPS. This one, like the front cover only had minor changes. These are

  • Changed the headline
  • Moved the headline slightly
  • Re-arranged the text in the Q&A segment
  • Adjusted the line spacing in the Q&A segment
  • Adjusted the box sizes in the Q&A segment

Below is the screencastify showing me what to do:

For my front cover I will:

  • Make Ziggy D bigger
  • Switch around the text so it doesn’t clash with Ziggy’s face
  • Move the Pug closer to the edge of the page
  • Try to further destretch the image
  • Add drop shadow to the masthead
  • Play around with the names of the stars & their sizing

For my contents page I will:

  • Change the font of all text & change the size of the smaller cover lines & the editor’s note
  • Try to make the star images pop more through things such as drop shadow and bevel and emboss
  • Change the background to try and make it work better with the page

For my DPS I will:

  • Make ‘Too Much Groove’ bigger
  • Make the Q&A’s questions smaller
  • Make the Q&A text the same size as the rest of the article
  • Move the standfirst down
  • Give K.C a quote

2nd Draft of Double Page Spread











Here I have the second draft of my double page spread. I have made some adjustments from the last to try and improve it so I can get the best final pages I can. Here are some of the things I’ve changed:

  • Changed the colour scheme to match the images
  • Removed the background on the main page
  • Altered the sizes of some of the text
  • Changed the headline
  • Put the interview questions in boxes

To improve on my third draft, I have taken some time to reflect what I can do next:

  • Play around with the image more to see what you can get
  • Make sure the text within the boxes all start at the same point as some of the text has a small gap whilst others are right next to the box
  • Move the Headline to the left slightly as it’s shadow is slightly cut off
  • Make the boxes the same size
  • Try to make sure all the spaces are of the same size
  • Try to come up with a catchier headline that includes the reference to the reflection on the image



2nd Draft of Contents Page

Please click the image to see the PDF

To try and improve my contents page, I decided to make some changes to it and create a second draft. In this draft I have made several changes, these include but aren’t limited to:

  • Colour scheme has changed to match the second draft of my front page
  • Changed the images used to match my other second drafts
  • Changed the font to match with my other second drafts
  • Edited the layout of the text to make the whole page a bit more interesting and spread out
  • Added a few extra stories & other bonus pages

In order to improve in future I have also taken time to reflect on what I think I can change about my page:

  • Perhaps change the colour on the numbers to add some distinction
  • Put the Editors Notes at the start, as that’s where they tend to be
  • Add either some new images by either using pictures you already have or taking new ones in order to stay unreliant on the same two. Definitely get one to replace Kamasi Washington.
  • Maybe add some classifications for the different stories (e.g some would fall under hot news, retrospectives, interviews, etc)
  • Try and see what the images look like with some drop shadow on them
  • Take pictures of jazz instruments to potentially use for logos, backgrounds, etc.

2nd Draft of Front Page

Please click the image to see the PDF version

As this is my second draft, I have drastically changed many of the different aspects of the cover. Here are some of the main changes:

  • The background has changed from a grey gradient to a dark blue to purple gradient
  • The star image has been moved and rotated
  • The star image has been placed under a new neural filter
  • The colour scheme for the lettering has changed to white and yellow
  • Fonts have changed
  • Added a small tagline at the top

In order to improve in future, I have also reflected on what I think could be changed in the image so it can become better:

  • Try to fill the empty space
  • Make sure the star image doesn’t turn out very stretched
  • Could maybe include a pug
  • Make Ziggy D bigger
  • Some of the spacing is incorrect
  • Make the tagline better
  • Add a reference to the Double Page Spread

Draft of Double Page Spread

Here is my double page spread. I have made this after taking my second shoot and working with what pictures I got in order to make a draft article to use. In order to improve in future, when I make my real double page spread, I have decided to reflect over what worked and what hasn’t worked for this double page spread.

What went well:

  1. Used photoshop in order to create a good looking image out of one that would’ve been hard to use otherwise
  2. Colour used can highlight the important parts of the article
  3. The picture is very fun and colourful, which represents my genre well

What can be improved:

  1. Background colour on second page can seem quite bland and out of place
  2. Make the orange spots on the image more spread out
  3. Try to reduce the contrast / difference between the first and second backgrounds
  4. Make the artists names a different colour or a different size during the Q&A section
  5. Make the main writing smaller and make the title bigger

Draft Feature Article

After listening to my article again, I have come up with a few ideas on how it could be improved.

  • Some of the stars answers seem quite unrealistic and fake.
  • The prediction doesn’t add much to the article, which makes it seem quite redundant.
  • Focus slightly less on the stars, and more on the music and genre.

Here is my improved version:

Q&A on the hottest new album right now

Right in time for the release of the album ‘Too Much Groove’, we’ve managed to get an exclusive Q&A with the stars featured in it, K.C & Lush. We’ve asked them about their new album release, how they met up and both of their futures within the industry. You don’t want to miss this news whilst it’s hot!

Two of the biggest Jazz stars that have come onto the scene recently are K.C & Lush. After working as a small-time artist for 3 years, K.C hit the big time with his hit single, ‘Mellow’. Meanwhile, Lush made a splash on his debut, earning himself over 10,000 views on his first single, ‘Fallin’ Down’. Both have now been near the top for over 6 months, so when Lush teased a collaboration on his twitter in August, many were optimistic for what was to come.

How did you two meet?

Lush: So I had done a gig in London the night before so I had some free time to walk around. I found a small show nearby so I decided to watch it. Much of that night I’ve forgotten, however I distinctly remember hearing K.C start to perform. For a small show, his talent was too great, so I decided to go and meet him after the performance and that’s where we got to know each other.

What inspired you to work together?

K.C: I’d say it was that performance I had that night. I had also heard Lush the night prior as I was a big fan, so I was extremely happy to talk to him. We went our separate ways, however we did stay in contact and then, after hearing fan demand, we caved in and decided it was time.

What got you hooked on jazz as a genre?

Lush: For me, I was always interested in music, even from an early age. I would always be listening to whatever I could get my hands on, but then one day I found a poster for a jazz club and I begged my parents to let me go. Eventually they accepted and that’s when I learned I was a jazz guy.

K.C: I didn’t listen to lots of music when I was younger, but I remember I was having a long car ride with my parents and some jazz music started playing on the radio. Something about how the music was played and presented clicked with me and then I started to listen to more and more until I found myself at the local music store once a week looking for new jazz albums to buy.

Where did the title ‘Too much groove’ come from?

Lush: It was my idea, as I thought that if we’re known as two of the grooviest dudes in the industry at the moment, we gotta let the audience know that.

K.C: When we were spitballing ideas, that was the first one that clicked well. The rest were extremely cheesy or seemed off. The example I remember the most was ‘groove criminal’.

What was your favourite song to work on within the album? 

K.C: I think that ‘All That’ was easily the best song recorded in the album as I think it sounds very smooth and that both me and Lush seamlessly play together in it.

Lush: Personally, I thought that ‘24/7 Funk’ was better as it was constantly riding highs of fun beats and good vibes. 

Any news on doing a tour together?

K.C: Currently I have no plans to do a tour within the next few months.

Lush: For my tour in 2 months, I will be playing some of the songs featured in the album, however K.C won’t be making any appearances there.

Do you plan on making any other collaborations?

Lush: Currently we have no plans to collab again, however neither of us are really against doing it again.

K.C: Although me & Lush have no plans, I have had something in the works for a while with someone else, however we aren’t ready to release the full details just yet.

The stars have both firmly stated that this is mainly a one-off occasion and that they’ll be working solo, however they have also stated that they are willing to leave the door open to more collaborations in the future, not only with the two of them, but also with other unspecified stars. We, at Hustle magazine believe that this will be the start of some exciting times within the Jazz community, as we are now able to speculate on who will be working with these two stars in the upcoming months.


Even if we don’t see these top stars join forces again, we are sure that this collaborative album will be a sure fire hit within the community. Make sure you don’t miss this album when it releases on December 15th.

Second Shoot Contact Sheets

Personally, I think that this shoot went much better than my first, as I had more knowledge of what I was doing and how I could do it. One thing I think I made better was the quality of the photos, as my original shoot was mainly out of focus and blurry. Out of all of the shots that I took, I’ve put my favourites below.

Production Meeting Agenda for 2nd Photo Shoot

Here is the PMA for my second shoot. This PMA includes things such as the props, model and studio that I will be using to get my photos. This will aid my shoot as it will mean I will have more organisation and have my shoot planned in more detail.

In future I will remember to use PMA’s to help aid my production so as to try and go by a plan so as to have everything go as I want, rather than rushing to get things done quickly but poorly.

Language Analysis

The magazine is Billboard (June 20th edition). The article is called the ‘Dance Power Players’ as it covers some top names within the EDM genre. The names of the three artists being covered are; Martin Garrix, Scooter Braun & Steve Angello. They are some of the top EDM artists in the world. The article mentions that they have met at a garden patio in Los Angeles on Memorial Day. This meetup was to establish their partnership as some of the top names in the world of EDM music and to discuss the future of EDM. The article is an interview with the stars as seen by the bottom paragraph where it is written from Garrix’s POV. The main bulk of the article that can be seen is an explanation, from the journalist, about who these people are and what they are doing. The journalist writes in a 3rd person perspective about the three artists which makes the introduction seem much more grounded and factual, rather than opinionated, as if we’re hearing the artists discuss everything from their own memory. The Journalist goes even further with this by describing things such as what the artists are wearing and how they’re acting. This style of writing means that there is no clear introduction or conclusion to the article. The journalist often writes about other artists within the industry and tries to mention the importance these three have had upon them. They use many grand and mature style adjectives within their writing in order to further emphasise the importance of these artists. Lots of these adjectives are also quite fun and modern which fits the more fun feel of the EDM genre. In conclusion, the journalist shows off how legendary these three artists are within the genre of EDM. They are portrayed as super stars and extremely influential within both the genre, as well as the industry as a whole. By doing this, the reader gets excited to hear more about them, which hooks the reader into reading more of the story about these men and what they have done to get themselves this far within the industry to become standouts within their genre of music.

In future this analysis will help me try to figure out the general language and conventions used when writing articles in order to emphasise the importance of the stars and to make what they’re talking about seem much more exciting and interesting, so my article can intrigue and hook readers according to the uses and gratifications theory.

Draft of Contents Page

Click to see PDF

Above I have put in a copy of my draft contents page that I have made. Soon I will take what I have learned from making this to then create a better one later on. To help me understand what I have done right and what I can improve upon, I’ve had mine peer assessed. After reading this peer assessment I have created five targets that need to be met in order for my contents page become better.

What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?


What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?


How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

The Font itself is very readable and reflects the genre of Jazz quite well with its bold colors (yellow and orange) but it might be a tad too large.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

The page has all its technical conventions that a regular content page would have; page numbers, what’s on those pages, main stars that are on those pages, etc. the page numbers are clear and easy to read and the pages the stars are on can easily be found underneath the images of the star.

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

the overall layout could have been done a bit better with a better color match, black/grey with orange and yellow are very contrasting colors and they don’t compliment each other well. A better match could of been a dark navy blue and a greyish blue could of worked quite well or yellow and green, red and dark grey would have also been good with a yellow accent

 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

The text has either been placed next to the image or on top, but not much has been done with the integration.

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre?


How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

Using words like new, now make the reader see that it is recent and important, drawing in their attention to the information

Clearly, strong, good, satisfactory, conventional, well good sense

Low B grade

Five Targets to improve in future:

  1. Rework colour scheme for both text and background.
  2. Try and incorporate photoshop more into the making of the page.
  3. Use design tools of Indesign to aid in the making of the page.
  4. Select more MES that is specific to the genre to use throughout the page.
  5. Use several different shots to create meaning through photos.