Made with Padlet

This is a padlet, its a collage of words and pictures that relate to my theme which was rap music, rap music is mostly associated with devious punks that are rebellious. Most famous rappers are associated with gangs of guys that are covered in face tattoos with baggy expensive clothing that use bad language.

We made with as a way to easily see everything that connects with rap, such as clothing, connotations. All these images help with understanding the conventions of rap like the gangs, the bad language, expensive clothing, the gang symbols, etc.

This info I have studied will help in the future when making music videos, tour posters and our music magazine.

These are the images we made, the one with the post it notes are of comments that others made on the costume and what they thought of , for example if somebody put dapper on our rapper costume then we did a bad job.

The angle of the photos being a low angle gives the sense of power and dominance of the audience. these images have the denotation “they are a rapper” the connotation that they are posing for a photo shoot and the camera techniques are a mid shot and canted.