When creating a magazine you need to know you audience before hand so you have an idea on what you actually makeing and for who, you want your magazine to be as a attractive as possible for the targeted audience. For this task I have created a dating profile on the average audience of my type of magazine by looking at statistic of where their from, how old they are, what they also like and dislike, for example most people who listen to AC/DC are in their 30s -40s, likes cars and most can play 1 or 2 instruments. I have discovered aswell that many fans of rock/ classic rock tend to build their clothing and overall style with their music, rock music lovers wear more black and greys with leather and large boots and most drive loud muscle cars or cruiser motorcycles.

My dating profile is of a 35 year old man from aberdeen scotland named Sven Maple, I’ve also found that most rock fans in the UK live in scotland – northen england, I used and image I found on the internet of a middle aged man with a beard.

This task has given me a better understanding on who my target audience is by using different survey and infomation websites to find the info about peoples locations, age, gender, sex and even if they voted to leave the EU. This information will help in the future and I can shape my media into something that my target audience will enjoy.