Where did you go? How did it go?

I went back to my house in St Martins and filmed in my kitchen and back garden, it went well, I was able to get my family to help me with some of the shoots like using my sister as a stand-in for the ghost.

Reflect – what went well? what went badly?

I got all the shots that I wanted at that moment and I was able to fill up a lot of space in my music video, but sadly not all the footage looked the best, it got dark very quickly and I had to shoot at that time so some of the footage has a bit of a blur or a grain effect over the top, or it’s just not focused properly

Focus forward – do you need to pick up shots? how does this help represent your star image?

I think that I could get a few replacement shots and make some improvements,  for example, the scene of the ghost poking over the fence should be shot from a different angle, in better lighting, and using a tripod, and maybe a different lens