Media ecology is the name given to the group of aspects that media share, each of them are intertwined and connected to each other to create the media that we see on our day to day lives. The aspects to this ecology are:

  • Money
  • Institution
  • Social Media
  • Creators
  • Technology
  • Distribution
  • Government

All the ascpects are essential because if one isn’t there or doesn’t work then everything comes crumbling down to dust, its very much like the circle of life, for example, if the Creators (actors, models ect) aspect wasn’t there then there wouldn’t be any media to be posted, meaning no money would be made, with out any money none of the software, buildings, employes and machines could be paid for. That would then impact all of the media because then there would be no entertainment, no videos, no magazines or posters. There wouldn’t be anything for anyone to enjoy on the media because nobody would be there to make any media.