Previous Students Work

Learning a conventional music video

I viewed the work of students before me and chose one video to decode and evaluate.

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The music video, Wildfire was very well edited.  When deconstructing the video I found few areas that I didn’t like. The mise en scene worked until the boy came in with his school suit. I now know that it is best to keep the camera on the tripod at all times, that bad lip syncing constitutes for a bad video.  On further analysis, I noticed that the representation of the star was very exclusive and untouchable fitting in nicely with the pop genre of music.

A particular aspect of the video I thought was very good was the makeup. The makeup is a key part of mise-en-scene. The actresses expression is also very appealing and eye catching helping to fit with the feel of the song and for it to look like a believable lip sync.

Focusing forward, my recently gained knowledge of what makes a successful narrative will help me in future when evaluating the structure of my narrative plan and the standard of my mise-en-scene. The examples of those before me have taught me to avoid; arguments as the actors tend to laugh, using cars because as students we don’t have nice ones, and staying away from rap as it is hard to lip-sync.


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