Category Archives: Social media page

Social Media Page Draft 1

Feedback and reflection  on first social media page draft

Teacher screencastify on social media page:

Summerising the feedback given;

  • Release tour dates and a link to tickets.
  • Not too many posts in the same.
  • Feature butterfly on digipack.
  • Link for merchandise, promotions, discounts.
  • More stories – build tension before album release.
  • Countdown stories for album release.
  • Clip from music video – to see the artist performing.
  • Cross media convergence, synergy – Annabelle’s song used for new movie.

Targets for improvement:

In the next draft, we will ensure that we involve some use of cross media convergence and release more teasers for the new album. Our page we want our audience respond to our posts so we will have Annabelle feature on a podcast in our next post. This use of synergy will also be a good guerilla advertisement as whoever listens to the podcast Annabelle is featured on will now have a chance to be introduced to our music.

Audience Interaction With a Social Media Page – An Analysis

Integrated advertising and star image on social media

Here is our recorded screencastify analysing popular star La Roux’s instagram page. 

The ways in which La Roux appeals to Both AIDA and Blumler and Katz’s uses and gratification theory are through her bold star image and well thought out integrated advertising . As a popular star in the industry, La Roux employs a range of colour in her well styled and outgoing outfits and some detailed computer generated graphic designs. Her posts both stand out and advertise her music causing audience to discuss what she’s wearing and where she’s wearing it, she creates a loyal and devoted fanbase through replying to her fans and teasing new music constantly in order to maintain the spotlight.

Social Media Page Draft 2

Second social media draft

Self assessment;

Self assessing helped me to be critical of my own work.  It also made it clear to me what I need to include in the next social media page draft in order for a successful social media page.

It is now clear to me that my classmate and I need to involve a charitable and or political post in order to communicate that our star is compassionate and  caring to reinforce her fan’s personal identities.

We must also establish the personal life of our stat. If not, it will start to appear all promotional and business related and fans will grow annoyed and lose interest. This will add a level of authenticity to our social media page.

Timeline and Marketing Ideas

Social media marketing

Devising a strong social media marketing plan is pivotal for any product or artist to grow in popularity. Guerilla and intergrated advertising is fundamentally necassary to reach any position of influence.

This is our timeline that we will keep close refrence to when rolling out our social media posts.

The timeline helps to schedule areas of our brand like our viral promotions for instance on post five where we decided we will have our star Annabelle Anduga hold out a maybeline eyleiner whilst in her makeup chair to incorperate some promotion. An example of how we appeal to AIDA is in the very first post where will release behind the scenes photos of a shoot for our star’s new album “Melodrama”

Assembling a timeline will make the social media page posting stage endlessly easier as we can now focus on creating adept promotions and well edited posts for our page instead of it getting to posting and us not having a plan on what we will post and when.

Social Media Page Terminology

Dissection of popular groups’ page

Individually, I took apart the page of a prominent artist of my genre in order to give me some idea of what my social media page will shape up like.  I took into account what conventions they followed and how successful they were as a promotional page on a competitive social media platfrom.

When we create our social media page, I have an understanding now that we put our target audience in tight focus when we market our music and brand. Our values should be to create awareness about charities, alike Imagine Dragons.