Final Pitch to Teacher

Moving from the idea stage to the solid plan stage

Building up a narrative from the ground has proven itself difficult, considering already the various components and more specifically the performance and narrative our music video has been raised up from a concept into more of a solidified plan.

Choosing to go with a predominantly narrative based music video will be a challenge, but not a challenge I do not think my group members and I can’t cope with.

As a group, we  want to be conventional whilst also experimenting with  new styles and methods or revisiting old ones. Our teacher had the idea of using the 80s style larme material and shoulder pads as the song reminded her of the techno 80s synth heavy rock and glam metal spawning from the decade.  We want our star image to tie in fittingly with our song, whilst simultaneously looking appropriate for our narrative.

Pitch video with group and teacher 

Final pitch slideshow

  • Positives
  • good choice of song, original.
  • nice plot, exciting.
  • good locations.
  • great theme.
  • nice adapting to each others preferences.


  • Targets
  • vision needs more of a focus.
  • the incorporation of aliens to uplift the narrative into something more playful.
  • lip syncing.
  • costume needs more thought.
  • more brainstorming on shot types and star image.

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