Dp Mockup

Sketching out mockups of our digipack

We thought we would use our previously touched on knowledge of photoshop for our digipack. We want to cut out three different shots of Annabelle Anduga and place them in the corners and centre of the digipack front page. This use of repetition reaffirms the sense that this is and independent indie synth pop artist – encoding that it is all her, the producing singing,  engineering – the lot.

The way this front page is linked to our genre, indie synth pop, is that the usual digipack covers of the genre like I researched are minimal. Not much is going on in terms of writing but what are usually noted as conventions  of the front cover consist of popping colour, bold makeup and outgoing costume. We need a recognisable star image, appropriate props to convey our narrative of our young birthing star Annabelle Anduga and to not keep things too complicated in order to allow our brand to be decoded shared and talked about by our young audiences.

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