Category Archives: Digipack

Our Mission Statement/The Package Brand

Familiarising ourselves with our values as media producers

We put together a Digipack & Mission Statement slides to help us group the competition as media producers, consider the unique selling point (USP) of our brand, as well as a tight focus as to who our audience actually is all shaped around our star – Annabelle Anduga.

Now that we have a clearer understanding on who exactly our audience is, we now need to shape our brand to fit the consumer – Teens, young adults, hipster old people. And more specifically, grungy rebellious 13-19 year old predominantly females.

We also have some valuable knowledge as to who our competition may be.  With this, we can level up and clear the competition by considering areas like our integrated advertisingpromotions and distinct star imagery.

Looking forward on a brand perspective, we now now our advertising, promotions, music and star image must be coherent . That they must appear as a package this is key information to creating a good brand.

We ended the task with putting together a mission statement. A mission statement allows a company to establish their purpose. the what, who and why behind all brands is their mission statement.

Our Mission statement:

“To give the youth the confidence to stand out through our bold star. We want to grant our audience the freedom of expression through our music. Free to express themselves in how they dress also being able to flow freely while listening to our pioneering, alternate and infectious synth tracks”.