Borgore EDM World Magazine CoverIssue62coverIssue65Cover768by1024Koven

I have chosen EDM as a music genre for my magazine. EDM was originally made in the 1970s/1980s and became extremely popular in underground raves, discos, nightclubs and later on festivals. The genre emerged from the UK music genre ‘Garage’ as well as many others that became popular at the time e.g. jungle, 2-step, broken beat and grime. EDM uses drum machines, electronic instruments and synthesized rhythms to produce upbeat, unique, live music. EDM gained a neon, fun and colourful reputation because it was played at underground raves/discos with strobe lighting and special effects.  These conventions of EDM music then translate into music magazines as displayed above, there are neutral backgrounds with neon colours featured around it.


  • RAVEDM (Rave EDM)
  • EDMIX (EDM Mix)

I have chosen the name ‘BLACKOUT’ for my music magazine because I feel it accurately represents how EDM music originally surfaced in underground raves and often EDM festivals are blacked out apart from strobe lights and special effects etc.


The brand of my magazine will be known as promoting upcoming and thriving artists in the EDM world, my unique selling point will be providing details on every festival, rave or disco in the UK that my audience can attend, after having done some research I have discovered that many other electronic dance music magazines don’t provide this service. This will encourage my audience to keep buying the magazine. I can use the Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory (entertainment, information, personal identity, social interaction) to ensure I create a magazine that fits all the design conventions and audience’s expectations. My magazine will be entertaining because I will feature the latest EDM music artists, I will provide information on the artist through exclusive interviews and will also do a snippet on which EDM festivals are taking part around the UK in the upcoming weeks. The magazine will obtain its own unique personal identity because of our original mission statement and design features. Finally the magazine will have a successful amount of social interaction because the EDM music artists will draw in the audience and this will cause social interaction in real life as well as social interaction through exclusive interviews featured in the magazine.

Mission Statement: “Blackout is the best selling electronic dance music magazine in the UK, we strive to maintain the powerful connection from society to the EDM community whilst keeping you updated with the latest artists in the industry with every issue. We spread love and appreciation for the electronic dance music world with every exclusive interview and make sure to keep you in the loop on every EDM festival, disco or rave in your area!”


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