When drawing up our plan we took inspiration fromt he album covers we researched and information we learnt during the lookbook task, we plan to use an establishing mid shot on the front that displays costume and makeup clearly. The background will be plain due to using the white studio for a photoshoot. Unconventionally, we plan to create a banner across the top of our model with her name and not write the album cover name name on the front. On the other hand, we could place the album title in detail on clothing or jewellery to add subtle hints.

On the back of the cover our model will be photographed from an angle behind her, the album name will then be displayed on the back along with a list of songs down the right hand side. The copyright symbols and brand logos will be featured in the bottom right corner along with a barcode etc. The spine typically features the artist name and album title so we followed this in our mockup. We have annotated my drawing with colour schemes, qualities to convey and the type of star image we want our model to portray which is extraordinary. Text will use a sans serif font to not distract from our main focus (the star – Monroe).

Graphics won’t be necessary in the creating of this album, they aren’t inkeeping with the genre so will lead to our target audience rejecting the text. The same will apply with illustrations of special effects, this would lead to our album holding more of a punk, rock or heavy metal vibe. Our audience demographic will be confused meaning advertisement won’t be successful.

Th colour palette we intend to use:

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