This is the instagram page of Jorja Smith, a popular, young RnB artist, her star image is representative of the image we would like to portray through our music video and digipak.

She has an even mix of events that will portray her as extraordinary and ordinary, posts like; tour behind the scenes, photoshoots, and days at home will allow her fans to not only look up to her but see her as a personable relatable character. 

Her feed is vibrant in photoshoots and events yet sultry in posts at home or with other celebrities and designers. 

AIDA encompasses attraction, interest, desire, and call to action. For example, on jorja smith’s page, her humble manner is communicated through self recorded videos where she talks to her fans and behind the scenes content surrounding new releases and performances, this attracts her target audience and sparks interest to know more.

Desire is established through her extraordinary image, her fanbase look up to her as attractive, strong and powerful, leading to her sometimes seeming mysterious or above us as an audience. Desire is vital in order to keep an artist exciting and thriving in growing their fanbase.

A call to action isn’t obvious when looking at Jorja’s page, this is intended to convey her as loving to her fans instead of reliant on her fans, her PR team keeps advertisement techniques private and elusive. Despite this, Jorja Smith regularly posts updates about release dates, new albums, upcoming appearances and new venues. This is a subtle prompt to her audience to keep them engaged and invested. 

When creating a social media page for an artist, it is crucial that all aspects of Blumler and Katz’s uses and gratification theory is taken into account. This includes the criteria of entertainment, information, personal identity and social interaction. Jorja’s PR team have clearly taken all of this into account because it is reflected immediately when viewing her page. 

Her personal identity is present in everyday, natural, life update posts that take up more of her feed. Information is harder to find as she doesn’t have highlights like we intend to, she does have a link in her bio that helps to access information; entertainment is clear in her posts of performances, tour and concerts. 

She comes across as a fun, charismatic, loving individual through her interactions with fans online and in real life; this leads into social interaction that can be seen when she replies to comments from fans, does meet and greets and promotes events where she is to be able to interact personally with followers.

This social media page is a good example of integrated advertising, her website reflects the same vibe as the instagram page and consistency flows throughout all platforms and real life events. It encourages us to use guerilla marketing and viral marketing when promoting our star because it is a great benefit of social media and artists seem to use it to their advantage when growing their star image.



Unfortunately we weren’t able to record our screencastify because the social media page was being faulty, above is our script that references all aspects of a professional social media page. Doing this task inspired us in how to present/promote our star and how best to communicate the desired star image to our audience. We explored posts and ideas on marketing strategies, life updating strategies and fan interaction strategies; this will help us to create as realistic of a star image as possible.



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