What went well:

  • The car setting and text effects work well to make the video more exciting and engaging.
  • Our clips have quicker cuts and more differentiation/
  • Pace of edit is to the beat of the song and perfectly in time.
  • The colour of text and flashing clips is effective and match the eyeshadow/makeup on our model.
  • The mise en scene and settings/loactions used to film in match up well to our genre.

We need to work on:

  • We need to remove glitches and extra text boxes that make the video look messy.
  • We need to improve our video quality when exporting it to ensure the audience get the best experience.
  • Add in quicker cuts and more dissolve and film cut video transitions to add dimension.
  • Use lighting/colour effects to match perfectly to makeup and link all clips and different stages of the video together.

Teacher’s feedback of what to improve:

  • Move the model aropund the screen so that she isn’t always in the middle.
  • Flip some of the shots hoprizontally.
  • Use more video transitions to make cuts seamless.
  • Add in close up shots in the car.

My Self Assesment Sheet:

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