Here is the final draft of our music video ‘Go’:

All the final amendments of our video were subtle, small technical changes of some timing, lighting and editing choices were altered to finalise the video in a professional manner. An accurate representation of the star image we aimed to create was crucial in the production of this music video; mise en scene created with costume, lighting, setting and editing all worked cohesively to present our star as powerful, independant and strong. The combination of expensive belongings/settings like the convertible car with affordable, everyday items like the Urban Outfitters costume created an idea of our star being ordinary and extraordinary (Dyer). This narrative was a necessity in order to create an interactive, engaging relationship between the star and her audience. We included a repotoire of elements (Altman and Lacey), commonly associated with the pop genre, to ensure our media text wasn’t rejected by the target audience. These included bold makeup looks, fun and experimental lighting, pace of edit, glittery costume etc. All of these elements also work together to represent our audience (Barthes), when researching, we found our audience wore and expressed themselves in these same forms so displaying our star like this represented our audience as a social group well. We ensured to include a large range of camera angles and shot distances that worked effectively when combined with editing techniques; these ranged from close ups, zooms, long shots, wide shots, pans etc. Our lighting ranged from low key to high key and this was dependant on the moods and emotions being expressed through lyrics and acting at that time in the video – if our star was angry the lighting would be more harsh and highkey, whereas if she was sad the lighting would be deeper and lowkey. The lipsyncing was flawless by the end of production and this was due to the editing to the beat, establishing the beat and editing at different paces to keep the video interesting, allowed a flow of different clips when lip syncing to be used seamlessly.

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