October 1

Music Video Draft 3


After listening to the feedback from our teacher in the screen castify, we made and improvements to our music video to help make it more flowing and more interesting for the audience.

Changes –

  • We blurred the edges of the rectangle of colour in our first water scene to help the black and white of the background fade smoothly into colour.
  • We cropped out the studio scenes of the model because they didn’t fit in well with the narrative and the model didn’t have as much charisma in them.
  • We took more nature clips, such as close-ups of flowers, and embedded them into our music video to help portray the narrative of the character being happy alone in nature.
  • We also involved new footage that we had taken which helped to further illustrate our narrative.

Targets –

  • We still need more videos of nature and wildlife.
  • We need to add transitions between clips.
  • Put together more effects on some of the clips.
  • Acting needs to be more exaggerated by the performer.

Comments from peers:

What went well:

  • Really well-placed effects that elevated some of the clips from average to good
  • good lip-syncing in general
  • good mise-en-scene such as jewelry changing and clothes changing
  • Good settings for the narrative, the graffiti wall was effective

Even better if:

  • More transitions and effects on the clips, maybe add some more colorful effects in.
  • Fill in some of the gaps with different footage such as more narrative.
  • Some of the lip-syncing could be better and more in line with the words.

Posted 1st October 2020 by alicemillis in category component 3, Music Video

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