Digipak – Digital Mock Up

Digital Mock Up:

As a precursor to the first draft of our digipak, we browsed the internet to find images that are similar to our initial design ideas. We then compiled those images into a mock up digipak, in the hopes to gain an idea as to how are design may look in a case.

Below are the images we found, put into a CD case.

Front and Back Cover:


Inside Left and Right Cover:



The images we found largely resemble how we want our digipak to look, for our first draft of our digipak we will also add the titles of our own tracks, and the title of the album and our artist. What was key for this exercise was to have a very colourful and attractive basis for our design. The creation process of the digital mock up was beneficial to our group as it inspired us with different ideas for our initial digipak draft.

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