Detailed Music Video Analysis

In this task we analysed two more music videos but to much more detail, the first song is Katy Perry – Chained to the rhythm while the second song I chose was Blur – The Universal.


Analyzing these videos has let me find the underlying themes that can be found in some videos. This will be useful when I am creating my own music video as I will be able to add very subtle themes to my videos in the future.

Music Video Form & Conventions

In this task we watched 4 videos. We then briefly analysed the visuals for the music seen above. These videos could tell a story or could just be the artist performing, we found that there are 3 types of narrative in a music video. Illustration is when the video directly coincidences with the lyrics and it shows what they say. Amplification is when the lyrics are extended upon in the music video, to add a new layer of meaning to the narrative. Finally, Disjuncture is when a song has no correlation to the lyrics, and could be displaying a completely different idea to what the lyrics are portraying. Some music videos can have just purely performance with no narrative. Mise-en-scene is also use heavily to add to the narrative. The primary motive behind music videos are to promote the artist / band, the videos i watched did this by primarily featuring the artist performing and or featuring. All of this will help me in the future when I am creating my own music video as these videos help me gain a grasp of the different types of videos.



Prelim Task Mood Montage

In a group of 4 we were tasked to create a montage piece, today we chose the ‘Practice makes perfect’ with the ‘determination’ theme. For our montage we did decided to make the montage, about the production of a montage. Then we went out and filmed the shots according to our storyboard.

Above is the final product. I feel like my montage really doesn’t have that much of an impact, although it heavily tells a story. I feel like the opening cuts (00:04 – 00:07) create a feeling of determination, due to the fast movements and cutting. This also helps create a sense of progression, although I feel like I used too many video transitions throughout the montage. I feel like it would have benefited from much less video transitions as it feels too busy and I would add a lot more variation of shots. This task was good as it gave us experience in using Adobe Premier Pro and getting the basics of the program. Focusing forward, this has helped me in basic editing and how to add effects and cut together clips. I also found out how to add a startcard and an endcard. This will all be useful in creating my music video.