November 25

Draft of Front Page

This is the first draft of my magazine cover. So far I am happy with how my magazine is going.

I think that these factors all work well:

  • The masthead- it stands out and is interesting
  • The colour scheme- is eye catching and suits the theme
  • The imagery- is suitable for the genre and different

I think that there are some areas that I need to improve on to make my magazine even better such as:

  • A background- as currently my magazine is too plain.
  • Texts- don’t use too many different texts and ensure they can all be read clearly.
  • The pug- is not situated in a suitable place and is too large

A peer assessment stated that I should think more about:

  • adding more colour to make it more interesting
  • think about using a background
  • change some of the fonts so they are easier to read
  • lower the date and edition as it is too close to the masthead
  • add more small bits of information to engage with the reader so that they want to buy it

I think that my masthead works well as it stands out and is interesting. I also like the colour scheme that I have used. To improve my front cover, I think that I need to make a background to improve it and make is stand out even more.



Posted 25th November 2019 by zoecollins in category Component 1, Music Magazine

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