September 24

Music Video Draft 3

Here is the 3rd draft of our music video, in this draft we made some changes from Feedback that we received from our teacher.

What changes have we made?

  • Made the true taking off of make up and hair later- this added more emphasis on how the stars were unhappy being in this position, and meant that we could use more of these shots from our shoot to really emphasis their unhappiness and the extremes to the makeup. We moved this to around half way through rather than about a quarter of the way through. This slowed down the pace of the whole video, and made it flow more nicely, it also meant that the narrative lined up more with the performance and the that the reverse of what is happening to Tegan is happening at around the same time.
  • We added in transitions between the shots. We used different ones in different areas e.g. the wipe so that it reflects her wiping the make up off, the cross dissolve to fluently dissolve the shots from one to another as the star begins to get made up for her performance. These were successful in continuing to exaggerate our narrative, they added more effect and as a whole made the whole video more exciting, it makes the video less repetitive and adds something new to the different segments.
  • Switched the clips at the beginning so it starts with a close up of the star, this added a better dynamic and introduction to the beginning of our video. Even though this was only a small change, I feel that it sets the video off to a better start and is much more effective.
  • Removed the lens flare near the end as it was not necessary and did not really fit our theme or the rest of the video.
  • Made the ending longer to drag out the emotion. As she closes her eye, we wanted to slow it down to add more emotion and more feeling into the piece.

What is next and how can we improve? 

  • Next we want to look into adding colouring changes, filters and adjustment layers into our video. We want to experiment with what Lenny from Specsavers taught us. I think that this will add even more impact into our work, and can help us to make our message even stronger. We will do this by adding adjustment layers and key marks to change the opacity of the effects at different points. This means that for the star the filter will becoming stronger enhancing this idea of perfection. However for the narrative the filter will be decreasing to nothing, showing how they do not need this filter to be beautiful.
  • I think that we could add in some more transitions to really emphasis the message and make our video exciting. it would also make some of the transitions a little bit more fluent. However we do not want to add too many otherwise it would become too much.
  • I also think that we could make a few changes to the basics like the exposure just to make sure all of our shots are as good as they can be. These slight improvements will do a lot for the video as a whole.
  • Could we feather the wipe transition to make it a bit softer and less harsh.
  • Maybe make the divide between the split screen a bit smoother as well so it is less harsh.

Peer Feedback

We asked some of our peers to watch our music video and to comment their thoughts on it. In their opinion what went well and where could we improve? I t was very helpful and interesting to see what different people liked and disliked and also the way that they interpreted our message behind our music video. As a media producer, it is important to seek feedback and try to get impartial audience comments, this way we can improve our music video further and make it more impactful for the audience. We used impartial viewers for our comments, who had not see it or had no connection or knowledge of the message, therefore we could see their understanding and how well it is portrayed to the audience.

Tegan West

Rhiannon Dowinton

Jake Bradley

First of all I really enjoyed the mise en scene that was used from the makeup to the outfits. Second of all I think the mirror shot is nice and works well with your theme.
I think the shot of the star in front of a black background gets a bit repetitive, so maybe you have some other shots to change it up a bit?But overall, think it is great well done 🙂

Sylvie Rouget

Posted 24th September 2020 by zoecollins in category Music Video

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