Media Concepts




Language is the way media texts communicate ideas, meaning, significance and emotion you can communicate media from the costumes and facial expressions to the way the camera is angled and the lighting of a photo. For my magazine, I need to consider the colour theme for the whole magazine to convey the correct meaning to the consumers and coordinate with the feelings and ideas I want to communicate. Furthermore, I also need to consider the way the model poses and the facial expressions they make, this is because both can convey the emotion and feeling of the magazine.

Audience is the consumers, the ones who intake the media from reading, listening and watching. A consumer may also be a producer, which we call prosumers, as every time they comment, share and like they create media. It’s so vital to understand the audience and the demographic in order for my magazine to be successful, therefore for my magazine I’ll be considering the age and gender of my audience. For gender, I’ll be making sure I include an artist and names on the magazine that is recognisable for the target demographic to ensure my audience can relate to the magazine. Then for gender, if I was targeting a female audience colour choice is important as stereotypically colours like pink are associated with female products therefore attracting a female audience.

Industry is the makers (producers, designers, publishers etc) and the businesses who allow media to be shared. The industry is also the way media texts are able to make money. Within the industry there are businesses which we call the tech giants these company’s can control the media due to their massive influence across the globe (Google, Meta etc). For my magazine, I will need to make sure that my media is profitable and is able to make money as well as how will I distribute my media successfully  to the audience.

Representation is the story or narrative a piece of media text wants to convey, it’s how media ‘re-presents’ an idea, character or event. The producer of the media text can choose the representation they want to show to an audience. For my magazine, I will need to consider how I represent my music artist showcasing some of their attitudes and beliefs that I think is best suited for the audience. Moreover, with the design of the magazine I need to carefully choose the colours and images that connotes with the story I’m trying to tell. For example, if my artist is more cheery I will use bright colours and perhaps images of the sun or flowers as all these have connotations with joy/happiness.

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