A Textual Analysis of a Tour Poster

This is a textual analysis of Justin Biebers 2021 tour poster, where I decoded and deconstructed the media language in the poster. Every element of the poster was carefully chosen by the text producer to tell a narrative to their audience. As a media producer you need to be able to decipher media in able to understand how media language is used to communicate a story or an image of the artist so you can construct your own media.

A key aspect of the poster was the choice of colour they used being red. Red is a very strong and bold colour with connotations of danger and love which overall creates a very sexual atmosphere perhaps representing how Justin Bieber is no longer a little boy and is not as innocent now. This really matches his target audience being mainly teenage girls who most likely grew up along with him from when they were younger. From this I have learned that colour is very vital, and now for my music magazine I will carefully choose the colours to represent the narrative I want to communicate to my target audience, about my artists and their genre of music. Moreover, I will need to make sure that the colour I choose matches the geographic location of my target audience as colour can symbolizes something differently depending on their culture.

Furthermore, the text producer uses typeface to fit his target audience. As you can see, they use bold, blocky font which is very modern, designed to attract his younger target demographic as well it mirrors his music (also being modern). This use of media language, can also signify him as powerful and important due to the bold text. For my music magazine, I will design it so the font attracts the demographic I’m targeting. So if I was targeting a younger/teenage audience with modern music I would use a similar contemporary typeface in this tour poster but if I was trying to target a more older generation with classical genre of music I would choose a more cursive style font.

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