Final Pitch to Teacher

This is a video of where we pitched and shared our final ideas to our teacher, aiming to convince her on our narrative, performance and star image. 

Click image to watch feedback

6 Positives 

  • Access to a good location/setting that fits the narrative and genre
  • Confident performer- shouldn’t look awkward
  • Have cool props that fit the narrative (pool table, air hockey, juke box)
  • Lyrics easy to lip sync, good song choice
  • Clear idea on narrative and structure
  • Lots of opportunities to get interesting dynamic shots

6 Negatives 

  • Costume needs to stand out more to create the extraordinary (Dyer) star image for our star
  • Lots of extras, difficult to control and direct them
  • The extras may look at the camera breaking the 4th wall
  • Dancing and acting may look awkward, cringe and unnatural
  • Song is very popular and the video is iconic so individuals already have an image of what the music video looks like- hard to live up to that expectation
  • Need to get permission from everyone coming to the party and make sure parents consent and are aware


After pitching to our teacher we came back with lots of positives and negatives that we need to consider before we start filming. I would say our mis-en-scene (apart from the costume which we will improve) is mainly positive and a huge strength for our music video. Our setting is a huge strength and will help our video stand out within a very crowded industry it is vital to stand out and attract and engage an audience. I believe the lighting with the pinks and blues fit the pop genre being bright and fun. Moreover, to keep the video dynamic and engaging for the audience it’s important that we get a variety of shots, angles and camera movements which with our party narrative is highly achievable.

However, some negatives is the amount of people at this party so to overcome this we will be making a group chat as well as running through a list of rules with the extras to unsure we avoid any problems with breaking 4th wall as well as getting all there consent and parents. We were also brought up the problem with using a very popular song with an already iconic video so most of the audience will already have this idea in their head of what the music video looks like so it may be difficult for an audience to disassociate this idea whilst watching ours.

Focusing forward, now we have ultimately decided on our song, narrative and mis-en-scene we can now begin planning out the different shots and star image we want to portray. I’m looking forward to begin the production process now that I have a clear vision of what I want to achieve.

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