Specsavers Feedback

We were lucky enough to get feedback and help from industry professionals from Specsavers who are the ones behind the post production of some of the famous advertisements. The professionals have a great knowledge of the editing software of premiere pro so they were extremely useful in giving their feedback and help as the media language of editing plays a huge role in the representation of the music video as well as the star image.

Summary of their feedback/help

  • Showed us how to efficiently organise our clips using bins making it easier to find certain clips due to ours being all mixed up
  • Showed us the colour grading editing tool to change to colour, lighting and overall aesthetic appearance of certain clips like the roulette scenes which were too dark and badly lit
  • Introduced us to key frames were it allows us to  zoom in and out as well as cut between a variety of different shots due to us forgetting to film certain scenes in different shots and angles
  • Helped us fix how the clips wouldn’t fit in the frame by adjusting the video settings 
  • Taught me about adjustment layers and the uses and functions

Here are some youtube tutorials I found in relation to their feedback:

Overall, reflecting from their feedback we will now make use of all their tips and tricks to finish editing the video more efficiently with organised files. We will also make use of key frames as this is useful in fixing the boring still shot of the TGIF chant scene to create a more interesting dynamic edit as suggested by them. Furthermore, the colour grading will be useful for the badly lit dark clips to add more colour in order to represent and signify (de Saussare) the fun bright pop music genre. Another thing, the lesson on adjustment layers will be useful for adding effects to certain clips like the handheld shots and the TGIF chanting scene. I’m looking forward to use the help and feedback from Specsavers to improve my music video and add in some new edits.

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