October 12

My Tour Poster

I have been given a task to find images of Jazz tour posters and put them on a google slide for inspiration for when it comes to my tour poster. I have realized that these posters all have something in common and that is the colors they used, all of them being similar to convey the image of jazz to the audience. These posters really do grab attention so if someone were to walk past this poster, the colors instantly catch their eye which would make them engage with the content that is on the poster and want to read more about it and potentially go further and buy some tickets to attend. The posters include important factors such as the dates they are in, the cost and also what time it is going to happen. They all also contain colorful fonts such as: blue, orange, white and yellow. And typefaces which grabs the audiences eye when first looking at it which would also be important for sales. Also giving a sense of desire to want to attend and want to be able to experience it for themselves, these could include things such as “you would not forget this experience” and small other quotes that would make them consider going to this concert.

Please click on the image to see the pdf


  • Does it fulfil the brief as stated in the blog?

In my opinion, I think that this does fulfil the brief as stated in the blog as it includes the AIDA as mentioned. It grabs the audiences attention when looking at it and I have included all of the appropriate fonts and colours which are mainly used in the genre of jazz.

  • Has the design used a consistent colour scheme?

In my poster, I have tried to include appropriate colours of the genre of jazz and in my opinion thinks that it flows well with the design. Also not using loads of colours and try to keep it more minimal in the colours as that is what loads of posters of jazz have.

  • Is there a relationship between the colours in the image and the colour of the graphic design?

The costume what I am wearing does connect to what I have added as the background cover and also used the same/similar colour as my glasses in the border of the whole poster so it looks more attractive when looking at it from a audiences perspective.

  • Do the colours seem typical of the genre?

In my opinion, I think that the colours I have used really connote to the genre of jazz. Making it minimalistic and also including a mix of bright and dark colours to give a better appearance.

  • Is all the text legible, is the typeface well chosen and does it suite the genre and how many typefaces?

I think that the text I have used is legible and think that this is what my client would be looking for, if not something similar to this. I have used different fonts such as the typeface being jazz looking to really give it a sense of olden times as jazz was seen as a really well known genre in America a long time ago. My opinion giving it a western vibe to it as if it was around when cowboys were around. The other font which gives the main details about where my client would e traveling and when it is, trying to leave it more simple to make it easier to read as older people might have been into this genre and are the type of people that would of watched it so doing this making it a preferred reading technique for the target audience. In my tour poster, I have included one big typeface which announces the name of my client right  in the top centre of the poster.


  • Does the text wrap around the image well and does the eyeline of the model focus attention?

The text around the image is neatly presented and I think that it is easy to read for my specific target audience and gives off all of the important details. However, the one thing that I was going to do was to try to make the model look at the dates of when my client was performing at as it would draw the audiences attention to the dates which would make them engaged into it and would also encourage them in a way to want to go to the concert. Another thing is to include a time to give them further information on when exactly my client would be on. This would of been a good idea to include in my poster but for my focus forward, this is something that I would definitely keep in mind.

  • Does the costume reflect a particular genre and is the body language of the model appropriate?

Back when the genre of jazz was really popular to listen to by people (it is today as well but not as much as back then). The style of clothing worn was in this style and think that this does connote to the genre of jazz really well, my model of my client looking forward with his instrument in his hand as if he is on his way to his next show and showing off the trumpet as it was a really important instrument in the genre of jazz. So in my opinion, I think that the style of clothing and his body language were exceptional in this poster.

  • Do the words on the page prompt a sense of desire and is there a clear call and route to action (AIDA)?

I think that the words on the page do prompt a sense of desire as when looking at this poster, not only does it show who would actually be seen on the stage which would make the audience know and have a understanding of who they are seeing but including all of the dates and instantly tells you where to get the tickets from at the bottom of the poster would make them more engaged and potentially more likely to go to the concert instead of reading it and forgetting about it. With the big typeface, the audience should be instantly attracted to what is being addressed on the poster.

  • What messages and ideas are being communicated in the text and do those messages and ideas seem appropriate to the genre and purpose to the text?

The messages and ideas that are being communicated in the text really does try to encourage the audience to check it out and makes them want to attend. With all of the details included of where to purchase the tickets from and also when my client is actually going to perform and where really does try to send a message out saying, if you live around this specific area to come to check it out, even for the people that may be new to this type of genre. The way that I have laid it out makes it easy to read and easy to find out where to get the tickets from, which I think seems appropriate in my opinion for the audience to view at first sight that would make them potentially want to attend this concert.

So overall, if there was a thing that I would change or do differently to my poster, I think that I would make my client be facing towards the dates and places he would be performing at as it would drag attention to it and also I would include the times that he would be performing as this was one point that I did miss in my poster. Another thing that I would probably do differently as well is make sure to try to experiment more with the colours to possibly drag more attention to the audience.


Posted 12th October 2023 by alexqueripel01 in category Preliminary Print Tasks

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