December 15

Draft Feature Article

After I have done this, I wanted to try to go through it and possibly add extras to it to make it sound better. I did this by writing it again with the improvements:



Alex Queripel


Jake N Brings Back The Energy To The Stage


Introducing the Rock guitarist Jake N bringing back the extreme energy to the audience. Also presenting his new album named “PLUG’D IN” making the crowd go wild again. Jake has attended many different performances in his life and all of them being energetic and successful. 

Jake N is in today to talk about his return to bring back the energy to the stage again. As he left for a few months after he states that he is having problems with life at the moment, let’s see what he has to say…..

Background – Context:

Jake N has wanted some “time away from music” as he is having some problems in his life in the past few months. Now returning and preforming again.

Discussion Q&A:

Q- How did you feel when you had to take time away from music?

A – I have made the hard decision to take some time away from music which is my passion which I am sure my fans would not like but it was for the best. Obviously devastated that I had to do this and could imagine I might have lost a couple of my fans in that time, but I am sure that with my new song coming out. Hopefully attracting more fans to interact with my songs.

Q- What feelings do you get when performing on stage?

A- When I perform on stage, the amount of adrenaline I get is so surreal, fans screaming my name feels like I am dreaming! This is one of the many feelings that I only receive on stage than in everyday life which I am so blessed to experience that feeling. 


Q- So how has music affected your life and what routine do you follow? 

A- Music has always been my passion ever since I was little, I remember listening to music with my dad in the morning (ACDC in specific) whilst I was eating my breakfast. So nowadays, it feels normal, like it is embedded into my brain. Every single Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I go down to the studio to see my good friend Mark to talk about all of the possible new songs to release in the future and sometimes even record new songs. Music means a lot to me, I can’t express it enough!

Q- If you don’t mind me asking, why did you take time away from music?

A- So my dad was rushed to the hospital after having a lump in his chest which we might thought have been cancerous. So I went to the hospital with him and my family to support and comfort him for a couple of months. With the amazing team of people there, he fully recovered which has led to me returning.

Prediction – Future:

Jake N has a big future ahead of him, making himself bigger and better than he already is. Performing at many different shows to satisfy his audience and gain more fans. Also doing meet and greets at specific locations around the world so he has a chance to see his fans in person instead of just on stage. 


“I hope that I make it in life with loads of following on social media, my target being to beat ACDC in popularity as they have always been my rival to beat. I am going to try my best and have ACDC looking up at me and wanting to compete with me, not the other way around!”

After this, I have done a mp3 recording of my voice to see if if it all flows well and makes sense. Shown below is the recording:

Then when I heard it again, I have made some improvements to it to make it sound better:


Byline – Alex Queripel 

Introducing the Rock guitarist Jake N bringing back the extreme energy to the audience. Also presenting his new album named “PLUG’D IN” making the crowd go wild again. Jake has attended many different performances in his life and all of them being energetic and successful. 

Jake N is in today to talk about his return to bring back the energy to the stage again. As he left for a few months after he states that he is having problems with life at the moment, let’s see what he has to say…..

Jake N has wanted some “time away from music” as he is having some problems in his life in the past few months. Now returning and preforming again.

Q- How did you feel when you had to take time away from music?

A – I have made the hard decision to take some time away from music which is my passion which I am sure my fans would not like but it was for the best. Obviously devastated that I had to do this and could imagine I might have lost a couple of my fans in that time, but I am sure that with my new song coming out. It should be attracting more fans to interact with my songs.

Q- What feelings do you get when performing on stage?

A- When I perform on stage, the amount of adrenaline I get is so surreal, fans screaming my name feels like I am dreaming! This is one of the many feelings that I only receive on stage than in everyday life which I am so blessed to experience that feeling. 

Q- So how has music affected your life and what routine do you follow? 

A- Music has always been my passion ever since I was little, I remember listening to music with my dad as a kid in the morning (ACDC in specific) whilst I was eating my breakfast. So nowadays, it feels normal, like it is engraved into my brain. Every single Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I go down to the studio to see my good friend Mark to talk about all of the possible new songs to release in the future and sometimes even record new songs. Music means a lot to me, I can’t express it enough!

Q- If you don’t mind me asking, why did you take time away from music?

A- So my dad was rushed to the hospital after having a lump in his chest which we might thought have been cancerous. So I went to the hospital with him and my family to support and comfort him for a couple of months. With the amazing team of people there, he fully recovered which has led to me returning to what I love doing. 


Jake N has a big future ahead of him, making himself bigger and better than he already is. Performing at many different shows to satisfy his audience and gain more fans. Also doing meet and greets at specific locations around the world so he has a chance to see his fans in person instead of just on stage. 

Then after making more amendments, this is my final draft:


Jake N Brings Back The Energy To The Stage 

By- Alex Queripel

Introducing the Rock guitarist Jake N bringing his extreme energy to his loyal fan base. fans. Also details on his new album, “PLUG’D IN” making the crowd go wild again can be revealed exclusively here.

Underground met with Jake N to find out about his return to live performances again. After a few months away from the spotlight, stating ‘personal problems’ as the reason for his absence. Let’s see what he has to say…..

Q- How did you feel when you had to take time out?

A – I made the hard decision to take some time away from music which is my passion.  I know my fans were worried but it was for the best. Obviously, I was devastated that I had to do this and feared I might have lost a number of my fans in that time, but I am sure that with my new song coming out, that they will be tempted back and perhaps  I might be attracting more new followers to my fanbase.

Q- What feelings do you get when performing on stage?

A- When I perform on stage, the amount of adrenaline I get is so surreal; fans screaming my name feels like I am dreaming! This is one of the many feelings that can  only be experienced by live performances on stage and I am so blessed to experience that feeling. 

Q- So how has music affected your life and what routine do you follow? 

A- Music has always been my passion ever since I was little. I remember listening to music with my dad as a kid in the morning (ACDC in particular) whilst I was eating my breakfast. So nowadays, it feels normal, like it is engraved into my brain. Every single Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I go down to the studio to see my good friend Mark to talk about all of the possible new songs to release in the future and sometimes even record new songs. Music means a lot to me. I can’t express this obsession with it enough!

Q- If you don’t mind Underground asking, why did you take time away from music?

A- So my dad was rushed to the hospital after having a tumour found in his chest which we thought might have been cancerous. So I went to the hospital with him and my family to support and comfort him for a couple of months. With the amazing team of people there, he fully recovered which has led to me returning to what I love doing. 


Jake N has a big future ahead of him, making himself bigger and better than he already is. Performing at many different concerts, festivals and even the odd impromptu pub gig he is on an upward trajectory. Jake is also renowned for doing meet and greets at specific locations around the world so he has a chance to see his fans in person instead of just on stage. And if you, a loyal reader of Underground magazine would like the chance to meet Jake in person, then next month’s edition will include a competition with the top prize of doing just this. 



Posted 15th December 2023 by alexqueripel01 in category Music Magazine

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