Below is the music video for the song of my choice “Humility” by Gorillaz, this song can fit in with a lot of narrative music videos as well as it’s pretty easy to do a performance music video with. With the song’s slow singing, the lip-sync will be relatively easy to do with a bit of practice.

My Pitch Is the same and I think that no improvements are needed at this very moment.

I chose this song because it’s got a really good vibe that I think fits with the summer music style:

  • It has a good amount of instrumental and vocal mix
  • its got unique vocals as they have some form of filter over the top
  • it has a slow pace that is easy to keep up with
  • it’s not too over the top and blasting out music at a loud volume or screaming the lyrics
  • the lyrics sing about being the odd one out or the one whos left out and they want to come out of this isolation and get back on track