Bayleigh Holberry (Media Blog)

A Level Media Studies Blog

Category: Music Video (Page 3 of 3)

Final Song Choice

Below is the music video for the song of my choice “Humility” by Gorillaz, this song can fit in with a lot of narrative music videos as well as it’s pretty easy to do a performance music video with. With the song’s slow singing, the lip-sync will be relatively easy to do with a bit of practice.

My Pitch Is the same and I think that no improvements are needed at this very moment.

I chose this song because it’s got a really good vibe that I think fits with the summer music style:

  • It has a good amount of instrumental and vocal mix
  • its got unique vocals as they have some form of filter over the top
  • it has a slow pace that is easy to keep up with
  • it’s not too over the top and blasting out music at a loud volume or screaming the lyrics
  • the lyrics sing about being the odd one out or the one whos left out and they want to come out of this isolation and get back on track


Mini Pitch –

Gorrilaz – Humility

Calling the world from isolation
‘Cause right now, that’s the ball where we be chained
And if you’re coming back to find me
You’d better have good aim
Shoot it true, I need you in the picture
That’s why I’m calling you (Calling you)
I’m the lonely twin, the left hand
Reset myself and get back on track
I don’t want this isolation
See the state I’m in now?
Calling the hunter with the rifle
‘Cause right now, that’s the ball where we be chained
Shoot it true, I want you in the picture
That’s why I’m calling you (Calling you)
I’m the lonely twin, the left hand
Reset myself and get back on track
I don’t want this isolation
See the state I’m in now?
If I pick it up when I know that it’s broken
Do I put it back?
Or do I head out onto the lonesome trail
And let you down?
I’m the lonely twin
The left hand (If I pick it up when I know that it’s broken)
(Do I put it back?)
I don’t want this isolation (Or do I head out onto the lonesome trail)
See the state I’m in now?
(And let you down?)
If I pick it up when I know that it’s broken
Do I put it back?
Or do I head out onto the lonesome trail
And let you go?
For my Mini pitch, I have chosen the song Humility By Gorillaz
The music video will be mainly narrative and possibly a small amount of performance, The music video starts off with a student who is walking down the road with their books when they suddenly turn around the screen goes black with a crash sound effect, the screen then fades from black to a field when suddenly a ghost sits up confused, they realize they’re dead and have a moment of relief now realizing that there are no more burdens for them to carry, no work, no pressure.
they wander around enjoying this time they have while the world continues around them slowly their mood goes down and they end up sitting on a swing looking at the ground when another ghost comes up and stands in front of them, the first ghost stands and hugs the second ghost, they then hold hands as they walk away together before the screen fades to a photo of a couple that resembles the ghosts in a way.

Narrative Sequence


For this task Summer, Izzy, and I were tasked with making a short video with the theme of getting dressed or ready. I volunteered to be the actor in the video and we thought a video of me waking up in pajamas and then getting dressed into a smart suit would be a simple but effective option. down below is the final video.

During the limited filming time we had, we saw that a lot of the shots could have been at a better angle or they could have been focused a bit more but overall we did well, we now know that when it comes to getting the shots framing, angle, and focus we should take our time if we can to make sure everything is in superb quality and doesn’t have any shots that seem out of place or throw off the whole video, in the future I would spend more time planning my shots and storyboard and possibly trying to have a wider variety of shots.

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