Star Image – Theirs and Mine

What are the messages?


When making a star image profile on The Notorious B.I.G I realised these stars in the music industries live anything but ordinary lives.; I want to carry this across to my own work through the repertoire of elements in my magazine.  I need to communicate their extraordinary lives through my language and how I portray them in general; the iconography I use, in the props for my model, the images I use of other stars and the adjectives I use when describing them.

Having now created a star image board, I feel I have improved my word association which will help me in the long run when describing my modelled star and real stars. I can decode information better than before meaning that I am more confident in filling up my magazine with appealing and moreish  content.

This is my Canva mood board on how I would like my model to look; the styles, the vibes, the connotations and denotations I am after for the appearance and content of my magazine. These Images that I collected from Pinterest help express the environment I want to create In my shoot. I want to have my model looking cutthroat, savage and untamed. In addition, I’d like to have my model in daring and dauntless poses to carry across that sense of fame and that fact he is so unbothered by negative opinions or if he is made to look bad by any media.

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