Masthead Designs

Masthead do’s and Masthead don’ts!


I hopped on In-design to create some masthead designs that I could possibly use for the front cover to my magazine. Here is what I came up with.

The masthead designs above are all options I could use for my final product. Seeing as I’m creating a brand, I want my masthead to have originality and magnetism, I want to go about this front cover as if it is the singular way I am gathering a target audience, that way I can make it as professional and eye catching as possible.

With this media production task. I need to not be afraid to break the conventions of the hip hop and rap magazine genre in order to be bold and give it a new feel. After all, hip hop and rap is always changing, so I should change with it. Although I still need to give out the correct connotations, when accounting for AIDA in these masthead concepts I thought what typefaces and colours I could associate with the genre and then work from there. My audience is purchasing a hip hop and rap magazine so that is what I need to show them through this front cover.

Thinking forward,  now having chosen to use the masthead below for my final product. I need to now pick tones and colours which complete my masthead. I need to create a mood for this front cover and If my colour pallete does not work then whatever mood I try and go for will fail.

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