2nd Draft of Contents Page

Contents page second drafted


please click on image to see pdf

What’s new:

  • I have made theĀ  text boxes fit around my image which definitely causes my contents page to seem expertly produced and professional.
  • I changed my image and did a better cut out because the last one was cut out at the head and didn’t sit right on the page.
  • I have made the page numbering, headlines and text sizing far more conventional for a contents page.
  • I have added outlines to some of my wording in order for it to pop out, catching the readers eye.
  • I rethought and added some headlines extending the maximum page number to 28.

What’s next:

  • The cutout needs to be redone as there is white spots around the hand and the gun.
  • The repeated images need to be lined up, the pdf shows them to be out of line and unprofessional.
  • The gap at the bottom needs to be filled with either some images some catchy text or a cool graphic.
  • I need to rethink the image or my choice of colour as the brown on my models coat doesn’t look that great.
  • I would like to adjust my image possibly changing it to black and white to show that I can do it and to help my colour scheme appear more flowy.

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